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Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

MCAS Grades 5 and 8 Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) New Test Design

Note: The final design of the tests is still being determined and may change depending on field test results and the continued development of the tasks.

The new tests will be composed of performance tasks that consist of:

  • an illustrated storyline about students making sense of a science phenomenon
  • an interactive simulation in which students conduct investigations, collect data, and/or make observations
  • selected-response items (including multiple-choice, multiple-select, and technology-enhanced items) and a constructed-response item aligned to the standards and practices in the 2016 STE Framework .

Each performance task is expected to be worth 11 points. The selected-response items will be worth a total of 8 points, and the constructed response will be worth 3 points.

Expected Performance Task Design
Item type1-point Selected-Response Questions2-point Selected-Response Questions3-point Constructed-Response QuestionsTask Point Total
Number of items6118
Total points62311

When the test is operational, students will complete six performance tasks over two sessions. Five of the tasks will be common tasks, and one will be a matrix task. Common tasks count toward a student's score, while the matrix task will be either a field-test or equating task and will not count towards a student's score.

Expected New Test Design
TasksNumber of 1-point Selected-Response QuestionsNumber of 2-point Selected-Response QuestionsNumber of 3-point Constructed-Response QuestionsTotal Points
5 Common Tasks305555
1 Matrix Task61111

Reporting Categories

All items will be coded to at least one content standard from the 2016 STE Framework . The expected reporting categories are shown in the list.

Content Reporting Categories

  • Earth and Space Science
  • Life Science
  • Physical Science
  • Technology/Engineering

In addition to the content reporting categories, it is expected that most questions will also be coded to an MCAS STE Practice Category. The questions will be dually coded, meaning they are coded to both a content category and a practice category. The table below lists the science and engineering practices associated with each MCAS STE Practice Category.

Science and Engineering Practice Category
MCAS Practice CategoryScience and Engineering Practices
A. Investigations and QuestioningAsking Questions and Defining Problems
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
B. Mathematics and DataAnalyzing and Interpreting Data
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
C. Evidence, Reasoning, and ModelingDeveloping and Using Models
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Notes about the practices:

  • Each content standard includes a reference to one science and engineering practice. For example, standard 5-ESS2-1 states:

    • Use a model to describe the cycling of water through a watershed through evaporation, precipitation, absorption, surface runoff, and condensation.

  • Although only a single practice is referenced within each standard, different practices may be assessed with the associated content. In the example above, items assessing standard 5-ESS2-1 may assess not only the "developing and using models" practice, but also any other practice, such as constructing explanations or analyzing and interpreting data.

  • Each released question that assesses a practice will be coded to one of the three practice categories listed in the table. However, when reporting results by reporting category, a general "Science and Engineering Practices" reporting category will be used. Results will not be reported out for each MCAS Practice Category.

Last Updated: January 7, 2025

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