Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

2019, Grade 4 Mathematics

Question 6: Constructed-Response
no calculator allowed
Reporting Category: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Standard: Mathematics.4.OA.A.02 - Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison. [Note: See Glossary, Table 2.]
Item Description: Write an equation with a symbol for the unknown number to represent a word problem involving multiplicative comparison and then multiply to solve problems.

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Scoring Guide and Sample Student Work

Select a score point in the table below to view the sample student response.

4 The student response demonstrates an exemplary understanding of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking concepts involved in multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons. The student correctly uses multiplication to write equations and solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons.
3 The student response demonstrates a good understanding of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking concepts involved in multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons. Although there is significant evidence that the student was able to recognize and apply the concepts involved, some aspect of the response is flawed. As a result, the response merits 3 points.
2 The student response demonstrates a fair understanding of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking concepts involved in multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons. While some aspects of the task are completed correctly, others are not. The mixed evidence provided by the student merits 2 points.
1 The student response demonstrates a minimal understanding of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking concepts involved in multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons.
0 The student response contains insufficient evidence of an understanding of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking concepts involved in multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons to merit any points.
Note: There are 2 sample student responses for Score Point 4.

Grade 4 Mathematics

Question 3: Number and Operations-Fractions
Question 6: Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Return to the MCAS 2019 Student Work Directory

Last Updated: May 5, 2020

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