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Leading Educational Access Project (LEAP)

LEAP Collaborative Trainers

The Department is pleased to be able to provide districts with additional job embedded supports through a Department sponsored train-the-trainer program, conducted by the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES).

These trainers represent fifteen educational collaboratives and have been provided with instructional knowledge and materials to support school districts in their efforts to develop sustainable systems and practices to support all students, and especially our most vulnerable students — inclusive of low-income students, ELL students, students of color, and students with disabilities.

It is hoped that districts will take advantage of this new opportunity! Collaborative trainers are to be contacted directly and are accessible to all districts, regardless of membership status.

LEAP Train-the-Trainer Content Summary

  • "Brain, Memory, Learning"
    1. Basic brain and learning principles
    2. Working memory
    3. Executive functions
    4. Semantic memory
    5. Episodic memory

  • Understanding of the impact of poverty: Implications and strategies for Special Education
    1. Disproportionality
    2. Identification and assessments
    3. Student Support team
    4. Placement and least restrictive environment

  • Impact on other student populations
    1. High mobility
    2. ELL
    3. Key strategies and resources

  • Intersection of race, ethnicity and poverty on student learning
    1. Cultural competence
    2. Culturally responsive teaching
    3. Implicit bias
    4. Race and racism
    5. Achieving equity

  • Implications and strategies in the inclusive classroom
    1. Improving student engagement
    2. Higher order thinking
    3. Locus (perception) of control
    4. Communication (pragmatic language and vocabulary)
    5. Self-regulation
    6. Organization
    7. Study skills
    8. Task persistence and performance
    9. Key strategies and resources

  • SEL and the impacts of poverty
    1. CASEL definition of SEL + 5 competencies
    2. SEL and the brain and learning
    3. Key strategies and resources

  • School and classroom culture and learning
    1. Key elements that make up a school and classroom culture conducive to learning for all students, with emphasis on students living in poverty
    2. Practices that promote safe and supportive schools
    3. Addressing disproportionality issues in student attendance, disciplinary actions, drop-out rate

  • Family and community supports and engagement

Last Updated: September 7, 2017

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