Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

Standard Application For FY2014 Program Grants: Instructions

General Instructions: Submission of proposals is to be made directly to the program unit that manages them, allowing for more rapid distribution to readers and review and approval of proposals.

Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants (Parts I and II)

Part I A-C: General Descriptor Information

A separate signature page signed by an authorized signatory will be needed for each program unit.

Required information includes:

  • applicant agency name, address, and telephone number, four-digit district code;

  • source and type of funding being applied for;

  • beginning and end dates of the grant programs;

  • The original signature of the authorized signatory; and

  • date signed.

Part II: Project Expenditures

The Budget Detail Page (Part II) contains applicant agency contact person information, including:

  • name of applicant agency, four-digit district code;

  • fund code of grant program; and

  • name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant agency contact person.

Specific budgetary information structured in an object of expenditure or line item format and containing sufficient sub-line item information to comply with the relevant laws is required.

A grant application contains Parts I, II, and III, depending on the unique requirements of the grant program. In addition, a set of standardized schedules has been developed for the purpose of collecting supplemental information for certain programs and projects. Please refer to the Request for Proposals to determine which, if any, schedules are required to be filed with the application for funding.

A federal Statement of Assurances certification document is required for most federal grants. This document is sent to superintendents/directors in a separate mailing and is to be returned to Grants Management.

Grant recipients are advised that:

  • separate and auditable records must be maintained for each project;

  • payrolls must be supported by time and attendance records;

  • salaries and wages of employees chargeable to more than one grant program must be supported by time distribution records; and

  • funds must be administered in compliance with relevant federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies.

Part I General Descriptor Information — Specific Instructions

  1. Legal name and address of applicant agency.

  2. Application for program funding: Indicate the amount of each proposal being applied for in the Amount Requested column and enter total amount requested.

  3. The appropriate and responsible representative (i.e., the superintendent, collaborative director, or chief executive officer of an agency) must sign the certification, indicating his/her typed name, title, and the date signed. In the absence of the above named officials, an assistant superintendent or similar administrator, depending on the agency, may sign provided that he/she has been delegated this authority.

Part II Project Expenditures — Detail Information — Specific Instructions

The budgetary section of the Standard Application contains financial information to support project expenditures. Its purpose is to provide budgetary information, using a line item or object of expenditure format. Section II, the Budget Detail pages, requires detail information for the sublines of each project. All amounts on budget lines must be rounded to whole dollars; no cents allowed.

If the space provided on the detail page is insufficient to supply the requested information, attach additional sheets as necessary. However, please make every effort to use only the space provided. Many programs now require a budget narrative to accompany the Part II, Budget Detail pages.

There is sufficient detail in the budget format to cover most costs to be included in a project. However, all allowable items may not be listed (these can be included under line 8. Other Costs) and certain listed items may not be allowable under all grant programs. Refer to the Request for Proposals or contact the appropriate representative of the Department if you have any questions regarding particular costs.

Part II Project Expenditures — Budget Detail Pages

Applicant Agency and Staffing Category Information: A – I

Please provide all appropriate, requested information.

  1. Fund Code — Request for Proposals Fund Code

  2. Applicant Agency Name — Applicant agencies should provide the full, legal name of the school district or organization that is applying for grant funds. Names of individuals are not acceptable.

    District Code — Applicant agency code

    Contact Person — Name of person within the applicant agency that can be contacted regarding programmatic or budgetary questions. A contact person should be available in July and August for grants scheduled to begin September 1.

    Address — Applicant agency address, including Zip Code

    E-Mail Address — Applicant agency contact person's e-mail address

  3. Assignment Through Schedule A — Check this box ONLY if this project will be using funds assigned by more than one agency. A completed Schedule A, with signatures and the amount of funds assigned by each participating agency, must be attached to this Budget Detail.

  4. Staffing Categories — List the title of the staff employed under the project. In identifying the title, relate the title to any certification or licensing standards that may be required for the position, where possible.

  5. Number of Staff — Indicate the actual number of staff (head count) for the positions listed under Staffing Categories.

  6. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) — Summarize and indicate the time funded as a percentage of full time equivalency for the positions listed under Staffing Categories.

  7. MTRS* (Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System) — For positions listed under Staffing Categories, check all staff who are members of the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System (MTRS). (Disregard this requirement for state-funded programs.)

  8. Amount — Indicate the amount budgeted for the positions listed under Staffing Categories.

  9. Total — Indicate the subtotal of the amounts for each line item.

Budget Lines Items 1–10

Please provide all appropriate, requested information.

Line Items:

  1. Administrators — Supervise project staff and/or direct the project. Costs included under this line item must be directly attributable to the project and documented. Supervisory staff who may receive a stipend for grant activities which are over and above their regular responsibilities should be reflected in the Stipend box (unless the recipient agency has a policy of paying overtime for such activities).

  2. Instructional/Professional Staff — Staff who provide direct educational/instructional services under the project. Instructional staff who may receive a stipend for grant activities that are over and above their regular responsibilities should be reflected in the Stipend box (unless the recipient agency has a policy of paying overtime for such activities).

  3. Support Staff — Other staff who provide services necessary to support direct educational/instructional services under the project. Costs included under this line item must be directly attributable to the project and documented.

  4. Fringe Benefits — If fringe benefits are offered to project staff, these benefits must be granted under approved plans and be consistent with the applicant agency's standards for similar costs supported with other than project funds.

    1. MA Teachers' Retirement System (Federally-funded grants only) — Indicate the amount of Fringe Benefits allocable to the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System

    2. Other Fringe Benefits — Other retirement systems, health insurance, FICA

  5. Contractual Services — Services that cannot be provided by other full or part-time staff employed by the project. Generally, these services are for a short-term period and provide a specific and identifiable product or service. Recipients must adhere to relevant procurement standards when advertising for or soliciting potential service providers. Some grant programs may place a limit on expenditures for consultant services. Applicants should refer to the RFP or agency contact for specific guidance. Costs for substitutes should be reflected in this budget line. Stipends paid to regular salaried supervisory and instructional staff for activities outside their contracted working hours may also be listed here under OTHER (unless the recipient agency has a policy of paying overtime for such activities).

  6. Supplies and Materials — Costs necessary to carry out the project. Supplies are defined as expendable personal property having a useful life of less than one year or an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 per unit.

  7. Travel — Costs for employees on official business incident to the project. Costs must be consistent with the applicant agency's standards for similar activities supported with other than project funds.

  8. Other Costs:

    Advertising — Costs for newspaper, magazine, radio, television, direct mail, trade paper, or other advertising provided that the costs are solely for: (a) recruitment of personnel required for the project, (b) solicitation of bids for procurement of goods or services required for the project.

    Maintenance and Repairs — Costs incurred for maintenance or repair of equipment purchased with project funds necessary to keep it in efficient operating condition.

    Memberships and Subscriptions — Costs of membership in civic, business, technical, and professional organizations provided that: (a) the benefit from the membership is related to the project, (b) the expenditure is for agency membership, (c) the cost of the membership is reasonably related to the value received, and (d) the expenditure is not for membership in an organization that devotes a substantial part of its activities to influencing legislation. Also include here the cost of software licenses.

    Printing and Reproduction — Costs incurred for printing and reproduction services necessary for project administration, including forms, reports, manuals, and informational literature.

    Transportation — Costs related to the project for pupil travel to and from school, between schools and in and around school buildings, and for appropriate field trips or site visits, etc.

    Telephone/Utilities — Direct costs for telephone/telecommunications service and utility expenses that relate exclusively to the project.

    Rental of Space/Equipment — Direct costs for rental of space/equipment that relate exclusively to the project, provided that the total cost does not exceed the rental costs for similar space or equipment supported with other than project funds.

  9. Indirect Costs — For all school districts in Massachusetts, costs must be consistent with the rate established by the Department's Office of School Finance. For other than school systems, applicant agencies must comply with provisions of CFR 34 S.76.561. (Please note that indirect costs are not allowable under certain grant programs. If you have any questions regarding this issue, contact the appropriate representative of the Department.)

  10. Equipment — Costs necessary to carry out the project. Grant Equipment is defined as tangible non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year And an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.

Last Updated: June 8, 2012