Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2025: After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Pilot Data-Sharing Earmarked Funds Grant

Fund Code: 0529


For the continued operation of a pilot data-sharing program designed to provide school districts with funds to partner with local community-based organizations and share identifiable student data to the extent allowed by law, as described in Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 state budget 7061-9611 line item language:

"…provided further that funds shall be expended for the continued operation of a pilot data-sharing program designed to provide school districts with funds to partner with local community-based organizations and share identifiable student data to the extent allowed by law;…and provided further, that not later than June 30, 2025, the grantee shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means on the effects of the pilot program on students participating in the programs partnered with the school districts…."

Massachusetts-based non-profit organization operating pilot data-sharing program starting in FY2018 and in continued operation through FY2024: Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership (MAP)

Funding Type:

State Line Item 7061-9611


Up to $100,000

This RFP is the governing document for these grant funds.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds must be used in alignment with the respective line-item language, and as described in a budget, budget narrative, and required program information that is submitted to the Department's Office of Student and Family Support.

Note: Indirect costs may not be charged to this grant

Project Duration:

School Year: Upon Approval* – 6/30/2025

Summer: 7/1/-2025 – 8/31/2025 (if applicable)

*Grant start date cannot be prior to DESE receiving a substantially approvable Application Submission as directed in this RFP's Submission Instructions. Goods and services cannot be procured prior to Grants receiving and approving an application submission. Funds cannot exceed the project duration end date.

Program Unit:

Office of Student and Family Support


Allison Smith

Date Due:

Friday, December 13, 2024

Submission Instructions:

The FY25 0529 After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Pilot Data-Sharing Earmarked Funds Grant will be submitted in our new GEM$ system. GEM$ is a cloud-based fiscal and program management grant system that will eventually phase out the use of EdGrants.

Grants for Education Management System (GEM$)

Please Note: Grant Submission at the LEA level requires roles to be established for Grant writer for the specific fund code, LEA fiscal for financial review/approval, and Superintendent/Chief Executive sign off. All these roles should be established prior to the grant due date and all appropriate forms should be either uploaded to GEM$, maintained at the LEA level or sent in to the DESE RFP contact as described on the individual forms. The user guidance documents and forms are found on the GEM$ homepage under DESE Resources. These forms can be accessed without logging in to the system.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024