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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2023: Development and Expansion of High Quality Summer Learning

Fund Codes: 527/525/523


The purpose of this state and federal competitive grant is to support the development and expansion of high quality, comprehensive summer learning opportunities and partnerships in districts to address both the academic and social-emotional impacts of COVID-19 on students.

  • Support the development of a new summer program or the expansion of an existing summer program by adding more students and/or types of programming/time;
  • Offer at least 150 hours of evidence/research-based programming with a focus on academic and social-emotional learning opportunities (Note: While 150 hours or more is prioritized, applications with at least 120 hours of programming will be considered.);
  • Offer engaging and interactive programming, including enrichment and recreation activities, that will excite and motivate students to attend, build relationships and promote youth voice;
  • Create a culturally responsive, anti-racist and welcoming environment that leverages the knowledges, strengths, and assets of students, families, educators and the community; and
  • Partner with community-based organizations for cost and resource-sharing to address needs of district and families, including but not limited to expanded hours to support care, transportation and intentional/authentic family engagement activities.

Competitive priority will be given to:

  • Proposals from districts where at least 45% of the student population is categorized as low-income (Note: Districts with schools that meet this threshold will also receive competitive priority if applying for programs that serve students in those schools).
  • Proposals developed in partnership with community-based organizations that demonstrate a significant cost-sharing match.
  • Proposals that include a match in federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER-III) funds (Note: Districts that received less than $5M in ESSER-III will also receive this competitive priority even if no match is demonstrated as the line item requires that grant awards shall not be contingent upon a match in federal funding for those districts that the Department determines have not received "substantial" federal ESSER).
  • Proposals from districts and schools in chronically underperforming status.

Massachusetts public school districts, including charters and collaboratives.

If the applicant also receives any of these grants for Summer 2022, the school/program(s) for which you are applying must be different: Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Fund Code 530 or 528, or 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Fund Code 644 Summer Enhancement grant funding opportunity.

Funding Type:

Federal and State
527: State
523: Federal CFDA 84.425U — Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs - Federal Grant Programs
525: Federal CFDA 84.425C


A total of approximately $4,000,000 is available.

Available funding includes: Approximately $1,000,000 through the state line item 7061-9814, approximately $1,000,000 through Federal CFDA 84.425 — Elementary & Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER) , and approximately $2,000,000 through the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Funds. Funded applicants will be notified upon award which fund code(s) and funding source(s) are supporting their award.

Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 (must be serving at least 50 students if requesting over $50,000; or serving at least 100 students if requesting over $100,000). Proposals from districts (including any schools) in chronically underperforming status may apply for up to $200,000 (if serving at least 200 students).

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds must be used in alignment with the purpose and priorities outlined and as described in a budget, budget narrative, and required program information that is submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (Department's) Office of Student and Family Support. Indirect and equipment costs are not allowed.

MTRS allowed/required for federally-funded fund codes only, where applicable. Policy Statement on Pension Charges to Federal Grants.

Important Note: Students being served by these funds cannot be charged to participate. Additionally, funds cannot be used to pay students to participate in these programs.

Project Duration:

Upon approval (no earlier than 7/1/2022) – August 31, 2022

Note: Pending budget appropriation, continuation of funding will be available in fiscal year 2024 (FY2024) for a total grant period of two summers (Summer 2022 and Summer 2023). Eligibility for funding in FY2024 is based on meeting grant requirements and submission of a year-end report and continuation grant.

Program Unit:

Office of Student and Family Support


Allison Smith

Date Due:

Friday, March 25, 2022
Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.

Required Forms:
Additional Information:

Questions Webinars: Due to the competitive nature of this grant program, questions beyond eligibility or logistics of applying will be addressed during Grant Question Webinars. Date(s) and time(s) for webinar(s) will be confirmed. If you would like to attend any webinars, please email (with subject Summer Development & Expansion Webinars).

  • A narrative evaluation on the funded activities and outcomes of the program(s) must be submitted by September 30, 2022. More details will be provided to awarded grantees.
Submission Instructions:

Submit the following required information by email any time on or before the due date noted above to :

  • Scanned pdf copy with original signatures of both the Part I — Signature Page
  • Excel version of the Part II — Budget
  • Word document of the Part III — Program Information

Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget, and attach the Part I and Part III in EdGrants. Once selected, recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.

Last Updated: June 16, 2022

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.