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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2020: After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Pilot Data-Sharing Targeted Funds Grant — Continuation

Fund Code: 529


For the continued operation of a pilot data-sharing program designed to provide school districts with funds to partner with local community-based organizations and share identifiable student data to the extent allowed by law, as described in Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (FY20) state budget 7061-9611 line item language:

"…provided further that funds shall be expended for the continued operation of a pilot data-sharing program designed to provide school districts with funds to partner with local community-based organizations and share identifiable student data to the extent allowed by law; provided further, that not later than June 30, 2020, the grantee shall file a report with the house and senate committees on ways and means on the effects of the pilot program on students participating in the programs partnered with the school districts…"

FY18 FC529 Recipient: Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership (MAP)

Funding Type:



Approximately up to $150,000

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds must be used in alignment with the respective line item language, and as described in a budget, budget narrative, and required program information that is submitted to the Department's Office of Student and Family Support.

Note: Indirect costs may not be charged to this grant

Project Duration:

Upon approval – 6/30/2020

Program Unit:

Office of Student and Family Support


Allison Smith

Date Due:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Required Forms:
Download Word Document
Part I — General Program Unit Signature Pages (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)

Download Word Document
Part III — Required Program Information

Additional Information:
  • A narrative evaluation on the funded activities and outcomes of the program is requested by the Department after the end of each of the program years by September 30th.

  • For Grant Management processes, including the Request for Funds, information about requesting funds beyond the initial payment, and additional details on managing your grant, see this webpage: EdGrants: User Guides and Information.

Submission Instructions:

Submit all required grant materials through EdGrants.

In EdGrants, grantees are required to create and name the project. Please use the following naming convention for your "Applicant Project Name" in EdGrants:

FY20 529 Organization's Name.

All required forms should be uploaded / attached in the Attachments List of the Application Submission. This includes a signed / scanned PDF of Part I / Coversheet with Executive Director's signature. The final school year budget the applicant is requesting will be entered directly into EdGrants as part of the application submission process.

For Guidance Documents regarding EdGrants, visit EdGrants: User Guides and Information.

Please note: It is up to the grantee to determine who they want to add as EdGrants Front Office users in order to submit the grant application as well as payment request information. Please review the EdGrants: User Security Controls document to make informed decisions regarding assigning your district level users.

Last Updated: September 17, 2019

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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