Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2019 Fund Code: 335

Safe and Supportive Schools Competitive Grant

Funds Allocated:$369,864 (State)
Funds Requested:$437,264
Purpose: The purpose of the Safe and Supportive Schools Grant is to support schools and districts in creating a safe, positive, healthy, culturally-responsive, and inclusive whole-school learning environment; and to make effective use of a system for integrating services and aligning initiatives that promote students' behavioral health.

Each applicant was eligible to apply for one of following options:
  • Option 1, Action Planning: Schools and districts will convene a school team to respond to all questions in the Safe and Supportive Schools (SaSS) Self-Assessment Tool (Tool). Teams will then create action plans to identify priority areas as they relate to the six areas in the Tool which address: Leadership; Professional Development; Access to Resources and Services; Teaching and Learning; School Policies, Procedures and Protocols; and Collaboration with Families.
  • Option 2, School Based Implementation and Mentorship: Schools and districts will implement action plans previously completed that were informed by use of the Tool. These grantees will also serve as mentors for new tool users.
Number of Proposals Received:30
Number of Proposals Recommended:30
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:0
Result of Funding: A total of 30 school districts and their selected schools (approximately 70) will receive funds through the two options described above to help create safe, supportive, and welcoming school environments. Option 1 — Action Planning: A total of twenty-one (21) districts and their selected schools will receive funds to support the convening of school and district based teams to utilize the BHPS Self Assessment tool and create school and district based action plans. Option 2 — School Based Implementation and Mentorship: Nine (9) districts and their selected schools (indicated in the list below with a *) will receive funds to support the implementation of school and district action plans. District and school personnel will also serve in a variety of capacities as mentors for Option 1 grantees and others.

Agawam Public Schools $20,000
Arlington Public Schools*10,000
Athol/Royalston Regional School District (Athol)7,500
Avon Public Schools10,000
Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter Public School (Adams)*10,000
Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School (Taunton)7,500
Carver Public Schools7,500
Central Berkshire Regional School District (Dalton)20,000
Chelsea Public Schools*10,000
Fall River Public Schools20,000
Gateway Regional School District (Huntington)20,000
Gill-Montegue Regional School District (Turners Falls)*10,000
Global Learning Charter Public School (New Bedford)7,500
Methuen Public Schools7,500
Milton Public Schools*7,500
Monomoy Regional School District (Chatham)*10,000
North Adams Public Schools20,000
Northbridge Public Schools20,000
Norwood Public Schools7,500
Phoenix Charter Academy Network (Lawrence)20,000
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School (South Hadley)10,000
Quaboag Regional School District (Warren)*10,000
Randolph Public Schools7,500
Southern Worcester Regional Vocational Technical High School (Charlton)8,000
Springfield Public Schools20,000
Triton Regional School District (Byfield)*7,500
Walpole Public Schools20,000
Wayland Public Schools19,364
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School (Haverhill)7,500
Wilmington Public Schools*7,500
Total State Funds$369,864

Last Updated: November 2, 2018