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FY2025 Preliminary School Choice Tuition

The Department has released preliminary school choice tuitions for sending and receiving districts based on October 1, 2024 enrollment data . These posted amounts also include adjustments to the prior year's calculations.

On or before the last day of each month, the state treasurer assesses approximately one twelfth of each school district's annual school choice tuition charges and pays one twelfth of the annual tuition receipts as part of the monthly local aid distribution. Since the annual estimates may change during the year to reflect current enrollments and special education increments, the monthly calculations will reflect these changes.

The regular day school choice tuition rate is $5,000 per student for school districts and $9,727 per student for Commonwealth virtual schools, and an additional $75 per student administrative fee. An incremental cost is also added to the tuition for each special education student reflecting the additional cost of the services that they are receiving. In these preliminary calculations, special education increments are estimates based on the student's prior year special education costs or on statewide averages for the various service categories.

Receiving districts will submit new claim forms in the spring that will be used to calculate final fiscal year 2025 tuition amounts, including special education costs. The June assessments and payments will reconcile the entire year's transactions based on the spring claim forms.

If you have any questions, please email .

Last Updated: January 27, 2025

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