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Circuit Breaker Reimbursement Payments

The Circuit Breaker program provides reimbursements to district through two annual claim cycles: year-end claims and extraordinary relief. Since implementation in fiscal year 2004, the program has provided more than $4.8 billion to districts across the Commonwealth.

Annual District Reimbursement Payments

Payment schedules and amounts calculated for annual reimbursement are initially published by the Department in September based on year-end claims, and updated throughout the year through the audit and extraordinary relief processes.

For earlier reimbursement listings, please contact

Statewide Annual Circuit Breaker Payments

Year of Reimbursement PaymentsNumber of Eligible Students Claimed 1Statewide Reimbursement from Year-End Claims 2Statewide Reimbursement for Extraordinary Relief Claims 3Total Statewide Circuit Breaker Reimbursement
FY 2004-$94,216,963-$94,216,963
FY 2005-$186,762,221$3,168,853$189,931,074
FY 2006-$178,785,894$3,000,000$181,785,894
FY 2007-$189,342,207$3,000,000$192,342,207
FY 2008-$197,891,716$3,799,583$201,691,299
FY 2009-$201,871,694$3,824,955$205,696,649
FY 2010-$127,079,957$1,269,579$128,349,536
FY 2011-$126,969,014$1,831,169$128,800,183
FY 20129,892$210,393,382$2,077,280$212,470,662
FY 20139,962$231,817,243$1,426,885$233,244,128
FY 201410,018$238,737,158$3,066,047$241,803,205
FY 20159,985$242,112,321$2,915,267$245,027,588
FY 201610,079$257,421,322$3,646,362$261,067,684
FY 201710,270$262,909,026$4,605,128$267,514,154
FY 201810,442$280,504,340$3,830,532$284,334,872
FY 201910,550$305,485,820$4,636,903$310,122,723
FY 202010,642$314,881,041$5,000,000$319,881,041
FY 202110,194$323,614,370$2,709,999$326,324,369
FY 202210,663$367,111,453$2,575,437$369,686,890
FY 202310,317$424,616,029$4,537,948$429,153,977
FY 202410,421$461,510,053$46,440,6824$507,950,735
FY 202510,710$521,044,548TBD

1 Prior to 2012, statistics captured the number of students for which claims were submitted, even when the per-student expenses did not meet the minimum level for reimbursement. Beginning in 2012, tracking changed to the more relevant statistic of students for which expenses met reimbursement eligibility.

2 Districts are provided reimbursement for services delivered in the previous fiscal year. For example, claims submitted in July 2023 cover expenses incurred during FY2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023), and were reimbursed quarterly during FY2024.

3 Extraordinary Relief claims are filed and reimbursed in the same year services are provided. For example, Extraordinary Relief claims submitted in March 2023 cover expenses incurred during FY2023, and were reimbursed in May 2023 (FY2023). There were no Extraordinary Relief claims or payments in FY2004.

4 Relief had two components in FY2024: Extraordinary Relief, the traditional relief program, and Reserve Relief, an additional FY24 program intended to assist with a substantial increase in statewide out-of-district tuitions. The total Relief amount for FY2024 ($46,440,682) includes payment for both Extraordinary and Reserve relief; it does not include $8,164,647 in payments districts were eligible for but opted-out of receiving from the reserve relief line item in FY2024.

Last Updated: January 7, 2025

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