Now that the 2021-2022 school year is over, it's time again to start working on the EOYR. In an effort to share more information electronically, all EOYR related materials are posted online at End of Year Financial Report page. For the EOYR workshops we are providing each district with a copy of the EOYR booklet, a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, and a copy of the EOYR certification statement. The materials available online include:
The completed EOYR workbook, an original copy of the signature page, and all supplementary reports are due on Friday, September 30, 2022. Since school and municipal officials must sign and submit the EOYR to the Commonwealth under the penalties of perjury, please take care to ensure that the data you submit is accurate and meets the requirements of the law.
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and I take the accountability requirements of the Education Reform Act seriously. Our ability to track progress toward reaching the goals of the Reform Act depends on accurate and timely data collection and reporting. We must be able to rely on the data that you report to administer Chapter 70 and other state and federal funding programs in a timely manner. We are aware of the administrative burdens placed on local districts and are always looking for ways to ease that burden while continuing to get the data we need.
In the past, extensions to the deadline for submitting the report have been granted under limited circumstances. However, our need for this information is urgent so I am asking you to upload the EOYR and return all signed certification statements and other reports by the required September 30 deadline. Please mail all signed certification statements to:
Aquarius Wise Office of District and School Finance Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906
If you anticipate or experience problems with timely, accurate completion of your district's report, please notify any of the staff listed on the contact list included in the PowerPoint presentation.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in providing this very important financial data.
Municipal and regional school districts: School officials are responsible for ensuring that all reports and schedules are complete and comply with all edit checks provided on the Excel file. This includes reporting all revenues received by the school committee or the municipality (if applicable) on behalf of the school district and all expenditures from the school committee budget, state or federal funds, revolving accounts, or the municipal budget (if applicable) on behalf of the school district. Regional school district officials are also asked to coordinate the filing of the condensed version of the EOYR by each of their member towns (see below).
Cities and towns: Municipal officials are responsible for providing the school district with information and documentation on municipal revenues received (including any state aid received from the Massachusetts School Building Authority) and expenditures made in support of education to allow the school district to complete the report in a timely manner.
Regional school district member towns: A condensed version of the full report will be provided to the board of selectmen of towns that are members of K-12 regions. These communities must report all assessments paid to regional districts and all long-term debt paid directly by the town for school construction. In addition, if a member town pays its own tuition and/or transportation costs to a vocational or other school district, these costs and the corresponding rider information must be reported by the town in order to be eligible for state aid.
Section 10.20 of Regulations for School Finance allows the option of charging and reporting town administrative costs based on the statewide average cost per student for such services. For municipalities and school committees that have agreed to use this method for their budgeting and year-end reporting, the per pupil administrative average cost to be used in fiscal year 2023 is $141.28. The per pupil administrative average for cost for fiscal year 2022 was $129.48. This information is also posted here: FY2023 Per Pupil Administrative Cost Average.
Last Updated: July 18, 2022