The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) emphasizes the use of evidence-based activities, strategies, and interventions (collectively referred to as "interventions"). The term 'evidence-based,' (from section 8101(21)(A) of the ESEA) when used with respect to a State, local educational agency, or school activity, means an intervention that demonstrates a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes. The criteria for identifying "evidence-based" interventions based on each of ESSA's four levels are as follows:
The U.S. Department of Education's Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments considers experimental and quasi-experimental studies to be "well-designed and well-implemented" if they meet What Works Clearinghouse Evidence Standards without reservation or are of the equivalent quality for making causal inferences. The table below illustrates the criteria and methods recommended by the Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments for each of the four levels of evidence.
The tables below outline the required (LEAs must do and must be evidence-based) and allowable (LEAs may do but if done must be evidence-based) uses of the ESSA evidence-based provisions that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has identified. Unless otherwise specified, "evidence-based" means "meets any of the four evidence levels described above."
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has launched the "How Do We Know?" initiative to provide resources to help Massachusetts districts locate existing research and to support their ability to measure implementation and impact as part of their improvement strategy. Please see these web pages for research summaries, literature reviews, policy briefs and clearinghouses where you can location evidence-based interventions, as well as information on how to evaluate and select evidence-based interventions, and how to assess how strong the evidence is for your interventions.
Last Updated: May 16, 2022
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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