Federal Grant Programs

Massachusetts EANS Vendor Application Process

All solicitation requests for the EANS program are posted on COMMBUYS, the official procurement record system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We encourage all interested vendors to review the bid solicitations on the COMMBUYS site regularly for relevant EANS postings.

Please read below for detailed instructions for becoming an approved vendor for the Massachusetts EANS programs.

Organizations that Provide Educational/Instructional Support Services

Organizations that provide educational and instructional support services must be an approved EANS vendor with the Commonwealth in order to provide services under the EANS program.

DESE publicly solicited educational and instructional support services vendors for the EANS program from April 7, 2021 through December 30, 2022. The bid is now closed. Therefore, DESE cannot accept any applications or addendums from new or existing educational support service vendors, and the list of approved education support service vendors is final.

This includes all organizations that provide educational and instructional support services such as:

  • Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning, or to address learning loss and initiating; and
  • Maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss.

Please note that the process to become an approved EANS vendor is a separate and unique process than becoming a vendor for a "statewide contract." This means that vendors on a "statewide contract" are not approved to provide services under the EANS program unless the vendor also applied and was approved under the EANS program bid solicitation.

As a result of DESE's extensive bid solicitation, approximately 60 vendors were approved to offer a wide range of educational support services for EANS awardees, including temporary staffing, professional development, mental health support services, intervention and acceleration services, STEM curriculum, and high-quality instructional materials.

Organizations that Provide Other Goods and Services

To become a prequalified vendor under an EANS contract, organizations that provide other allowable goods and services must be an existing approved vendor on an applicable Statewide Contract.

Current vendors on Statewide contracts have been or will be contacted electronically with an opportunity to participate in the EANS program when the applicable bid is posted. The invitation to participate includes detailed instructions for submitting a response for review and potential award through COMMBUYS, the official procurement record system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

This includes organizations that provide goods and services such as:

  • Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities — (State Contract "DESE K-12").
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) — (State Contract "DESE K-12").
  • Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems — (State Contract "TRD01").
  • Other materials, supplies, or equipment recommended by the CDC for reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety — (State Contracts "OFF38", "OFF45", and "OFF47").
  • Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus — (State Contract "HSP41 - Category 10").
  • Educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to assist students, educators, and other staff with remote or hybrid learning — (State Contracts "ITC73", "ITS75", and "OFF50").
  • Reasonable transportation costs — (State Contract "VEH112").

Please contact OSDHelpDesk@mass.gov for questions related to the application process or the status of a submitted application. The Operational Services Division (OSD) manages all vendor applications. DESE staff members who manage the EANS program do not have the ability to assist a vendor with the application or check application status.

Last Updated: January 3, 2023