Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium (MFLC)

Sample Press Release

If you are planning a special family literacy activity or event, let your community know about it and consider inviting the public and other honored guests!

The following sample is designed as a basic guide to use in sending your own publicity information to special guests and your local newspaper, radio, and cable TV stations. Consider including human interest stories and photo opportunities when possible.

(Name of Program) to Celebrate Massachusetts Family Literacy Month

November is Massachusetts Family Literacy Month.

The (program name), in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Children's Trust Fund, invites you to join us in a (family literacy story hour, storytelling event, book give-away, bookswap, read-a-thon, cultural event, etc.) and help create a foundation for lifelong learning in each family.

(In the second paragraph, tell something interesting about your program and its goals for literacy.)

The (activity or event) will take place from (time) to (time) on (date) at (location).

For further information, please contact: (local name).

Last Updated: February 6, 2013

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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