Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 3: Opportunity and Support

From the Vision: English learners have equitable access to meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that build on their cultural and linguistic assets and the academic, linguistic, social, and emotional supports they need to excel.

Building Block 3: Social and emotional supports

Level: District

  • The district reviews data on each school's climate to ensure that ELs have safe and collaborative learning environments; the district provides professional learning opportunities to administrators and teachers on developing students' social and emotional competencies.

  • District leaders strategically deploy support staff to schools to provide tiered social and emotional learning supports where they are needed.

  • District leaders communicate urgency around meeting ELs' social and emotional needs and support collaboration across schools and with families and community-based organizations to maximize available resources.

Last Updated: June 2, 2020

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