Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 2: Access to Educators

From the Vision: English learners are taught by effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators who hold them to high standards and have the materials and professional learning they need to advance students' academic and linguistic development simultaneously.

Building Block 1: Effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators

Level: District

  • The district's educator evaluation system supports evaluators and educators to have honest conversations about practice that lead to effective and culturally responsive instructional improvement and enable district leaders to ensure that all ELs have equitable access to effective educators.

  • The district's hiring and retention policies and procedures include strategies to recruit, train, and support teachers and administrators well prepared to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students (e.g., partnering with institutions of higher education, creating a student-teacher pipeline).

  • District leaders adopt culturally responsive curricular materials and provide ongoing professional learning opportunities to support educators to meet the unique needs of ELs.

Last Updated: June 2, 2020

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