English Learner Education

English Learner Education

English Learner Education Updates
There are no English Learner Education Headlines at this time

English Learners Data Dashboard

The purpose of the English Learners Data Dashboard (DART for EL) is to consolidate state data on English Learners into a single tool. Data is provided at both public and secure levels, so some data may not be available without credentials. Districts can use this tool to understand their own EL student population's demographics, progress, and outcomes, as well as to compare with similar districts and the state.

(Please note that districts are listed alphabetically and when you click on the link it automatically shows data for Abington. To search for a district either scroll through the list or type the name of the district into the Search bar.)

The Next Generation ESL Toolkit

The ESL Toolkit provides a common entry point for educators to learn about Next Generation English as a Second Language (NGESL) instruction in Massachusetts. It includes connections to relevant guidance, tools, and resources educators at all different points in their journey can use to develop a deeper understanding and ability to implement high-quality ESL instruction. The ESL Toolkit was developed as part of the Next Generation ESL Curriculum and Instructional Support, building on a strong foundation of previous initiatives and projects defining the type of learning experiences English learners deserve and supports for educators to bring these to life.

The Next Generation ESL Toolkit - logo and link

English Learner Education Vision & Blueprint

The Blueprint for English Learner Success provides educators with steps that can be taken at the classroom, school, district, and state levels to achieve the Massachusetts Vision for English Learner Education, and the Interactive Blueprint is an online tool to assist districts in supporting the success of ELs. Read and learn more about the Vision & Blueprint.

Vision Blueprint for English Learner Success - logo and link

Office of Language Acquisition

The Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) is part of the Center for School and District Partnership at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. OLA provides leadership and support designed to increase the capacity of educators in Massachusetts public schools to provide an excellent education to English learners (ELs) and world language students in Massachusetts. OLA also coordinates state EL initiatives and EL policy development. Please e-mail EL-related questions and comments to el@doe.mass.edu . Please e-mail world language related questions and comments to worldlanguages@doe.mass.edu . Please e-mail State Seal of Biliteracy related questions and comments to MassachusettsStateSealofBiliteracy@doe.mass.edu .

Last Updated: January 31, 2025