Since first releasing the Model System for Educator Evaluation in 2012, and in accordance with the Department's responsibility to update the model system to ensure its role as an exemplar framework for use by Massachusetts districts, DESE has engaged with a wide range of stakeholders to support its ongoing refinement and continuous improvement.
In 2023 and 2024, DESE released newly updated model rubrics for school level administrators and teachers that integrate and strengthen culturally and linguistically sustaining practices1 within the Standards of Effective Teaching and Administrative Leadership.
The rubric updates are grounded in DESE's Educational Vision for effective teaching and leadership, and reflect input from educators, students, and families across Massachusetts on antiracist, inclusive, and equitable practices that support all students to attain academic knowledge and skills, understand and value themselves and others, and engage with the world.
Once released, districts may adopt or adapt the new model rubrics, or use a comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubric.
DESE hosted an informational webinar on June 8, 2023. You can access the presentation or a recording of the webinar to learn more about the model rubric updates and pilots.
The rubrics were updated though a collaborative process involving multiple cycles of input and feedback from educators, students, families, and community stakeholders:
In the 2022-23 school year, DESE piloted the School Level Administrator Rubric with four School Leader/Supervisor teams from diverse districts across Massachusetts. Pilot participants received individualized coaching to support implementation of the rubric as a tool for meaningful feedback and development in anti-racist and culturally responsive leadership.
Districts piloted the draft model rubric for classroom teachers during the 2023-24 school year. The purpose of this pilot was to learn about the conditions for effective implementation of the draft teacher rubric and make necessary updates to finalize it as the model rubric and develop accompanying training and resources by June 2024.
Participating districts received training and support with implementation of the updated rubric through:
1 For information and resources on culturally and linguistically sustaining practice, please see Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices.
Last Updated: June 27, 2024