These videos depict a range of practice to support within-district calibration activities that promote a shared understanding of instructional quality. Select the video(s) that best meet your needs by grade, content area, or length.
3rd Grade Main Idea (14 m)
4th Grade Main Idea (14 m)
4th Grade Reading (50 m)
5th Grade English Group Presentations (12 m)
6th Grade Writing Using Adjectives (13 m)
6th Grade Informational Text (15 m)
9th Grade ELA (14 m)
11th Grade Reading (20 m)
12th Grade ELA (22 m)
Kindergarten Mathematics (53 m)
4th Grade Spatial Reasoning with Polygons (15 m)
4th Grade Math (36 m)
8th Grade Math (15 m)
10th Grade Modeling with Systems of Equations (32 m)
11th Grade Mathematics (28 m)
High School Polynomial Functions (11 m)
High School Algebra (11 m)
High School Math (24 m)
High School Math Story Problems (30 m)
4th Grade Science (32 m)
4th Grade Motion Science (32 m)
9th Grade Biology (13 m)
10th Grade ELA/Social Studies (38 m)
Studying Culturally Responsive Teaching through the DESE Video Calibration Library A protocol for discussion and reflection on culturally responsive teaching using classroom instruction videos from the DESE Video Calibration Library.
Culturally Responsive Teaching Rubric
Planning a Calibration Training Experience with Sample Observation & Feedback Calibration Activities
Last Updated: June 3, 2021