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Partners in Equity Leadership Conference

The first Partners in Equity Leadership Conference was held in May 2024 with over 200 participants. Keynote presentations were given by nationally recognized authors Mary Rice-Boothe and Paul Gorski. The conference included a variety of breakout sessions presented by school district leaders, university professors, non-profit organizations, and Influence 100 graduating fellows.

The Partners in Equity Leadership Conference is designed to have the following outcomes:

Equity LeadersDESE
  • Build skills on how to transform schools rather than implement acts.
  • Understand what it means to take an equity stance.
  • Establish a connection with other equity leaders.
  • Develop allyship skills.
  • Affirm the cultural wealth of our equity leaders.
  • Listen and learn about creating more diverse, equitable, and inclusive schools.
  • Take away ideas about possible policy changes that can help to improve outcomes.
  • Educate participants on supports and resources at DESE to support the work.

The fall conference will be held on October 29, 2024 and will focus on understanding how educational leadership impacts culturally and linguistically responsive instruction in the classroom.

For more information, please contact Ilana Bebchick .

The Partners in Equity Leadership Conference is sponsored by the Barr Foundation.

Last Updated: October 25, 2024

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