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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Final FY18 Charter School Tuition and Reimbursements (Q4)

During school year 2017-2018 Massachusetts' 71 Commonwealth charter schools served a total of 41,958 pupils. Below you will find links to final FY18 charter school tuition and reimbursement data. These amounts have been used by the Department of Revenue for the purpose of certifying the June 29, 2018 local aid distribution.

Tuition, FTE and Rate Summaries

The data provided below reflect final full-time equivalent enrollment across the entire school year as reported by each charter school this spring.

Rate Component Detail

The charter school tuition rate has three components. The facilities component is set by the legislature at $893 per pupil. The detail for the other two components is provided below.

  • FY18 Foundation Budget is an MS Excel spreadsheet containing the Foundation Budgets of all applicable charter school sending districts and uses the EcoDis low income measure. A drop down menu allows the user to select the school, campus, and district.

  • FY18 Net School Spending Percentage Above Foundation Budget is an MS Excel spreadsheet that provides the calculation used to determine the percentage of net school spending above foundation budget. Deductions for retired teacher's health insurance and out-of-district special education costs are shown in detail.

Questions regarding charter school tuition and reimbursements may be addressed to Hadley Cabral in the School Finance unit at (781) 338-6586 or .

Last Updated: July 17, 2018

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