Massachusetts Charter Schools

Charter School End of Year Financial Report (CSEOYFR) Information and Data

General CSEOYFR Information

In accordance with M.G.L. c. 71, § 89 and 603 CMR 1.00, every Massachusetts charter school is required to file an annual end of year financial report following guidelines established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The CSEOYFR is a comprehensive annual financial report in Microsoft Excel format consisting of eight sections. The CSEOYFR template is posted to each school's security portal Dropbox each year. It is due annually on December 1 (603 CMR 1.08 (4)).

CSEOYFR data is used for many reasons, including:

  • Populating the Charter School Financial Dashboard
  • Populating various published reports (e.g. Excess Surplus reports, CSEOYFR Summaries (below), RADAR)
  • Informing transportation reimbursement (Schedule 7c)
  • Informing DESE financial monitoring
  • Informing DESE of facility and building holdings and leases (Schedule B)

Schedule B, Schedule 7c, Audit Questionnaire data as well as individual charter school audit packages are available upon request. Please contact Joanna Laghetto .

For more detail, the Charter School Finance, Data & Grant Reporting Course includes a section on the CSEOYFR.

CSEOYFR Amendment Application

The CSEOYFR Amendment Application can be used to amend submitted CSEOYFR data. It is found on your school's Security Portal application list. Refer to this memo for more information on CSEOYFR amendment submissions.

CSEOYFR Functional Expense Line Lookup Tool

Revenue & Expenditure Data (CSEOYFR Summaries)

Massachusetts charter schools are required to keep an accurate account of all of their financial activities and report their revenues and expenditures annually to the Department on the Charter School End of Year Financial Report. Aggregated annual data is presented below.

Please note: Districts report their spending in a different format and with different accounting requirements than charter schools.

Additionally, charter per pupil expenditures found in RADAR and School and District Report Cards have been cross walked to align with traditional district school reporting. Therefore, these per pupil expenditures will differ from the CSEOYFR Summary Reports.

Charter School End of Year Financial Reports (CSEOYFR) from FY2009–FY2013 are available upon request. Please contact the OCSSR at 781-338-3227 or with the subject "CSEOYFR request".

Last Updated: November 14, 2024