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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Massachusetts Charter School Waitlist Updated Report for 2023-2024 (FY24)

As of October 1, 2023 (Posted January 2024)

Each spring, charter schools send the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) the number of students enrolled for the upcoming school year as well as the number of students who were placed on the schools' waitlists through each school's initial lottery, which is typically held in February or March. The Department's March 2023 waitlist collection included students who applied for admission for the 2023-2024 school year (the initial waitlist).

The information provided below is an update to the initial (March 2023) waitlist data as of October 1, 2023. The information reflects late offers of admissions, which may result in acceptances or declines, as well as any new lotteries for seats that may have opened up over the summer and into the school year.

For the March 2023 initial waitlist, 66 out of 76 charter schools had waitlists for which they reported 35,040 entries, with 21,270 unique students identified. Of that student headcount, 15,757 unique students newly applied for admittance to at least one charter school for the 2023-2024 school year.

The information provided below reflects the number of students who applied to charter schools for the 2023-2024 school year (FY24), but did not gain admittance and were reported on a charter school waitlist as of October 1, 2023. This updated 2023-2024 waitlist report finds the following:

  • Of the 66 charter schools who submitted initial waitlist data in March 2023, 63 continued to maintain a waitlist as of October 1, 2023.
  • Additionally, two charter schools, who did not report a waitlist in March 2023, reported maintaining a waitlist as of October 1, 2023.
  • The updated charter school waitlists contained 26,501 entries on all waitlists, representing 17,681 unique students.
  • Of the unique students, 13,557 students appear on a single waitlist and 4,124 students (23.3 percent) appear on more than one waitlist.

Figure 1. Unique Number of Students on Charter School Waitlists
Number of Waitlists a Student Appears OnUnique (Unduplicated) Number of Students on Charter School Waitlist(s)

The table below (Figure 2) identifies charter schools that have held subsequent lotteries and the number of students who were added to each school's waitlist.

Figure 2. Total Number of Applications Reported on Charter School Waitlists
School Name Type Total Number of Applicants Reported on Initial Waitlists as of March 15, 2023 Applicants Reported on Initial Waitlists that were Removed as of October 1, 2023 Applicants Added to Waitlists after March 15, 2023 as of October 1, 2023 Total Number of Applicants Reported on Updated Waitlists as of October 1, 2023
Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public SchoolCommon-wealth (CW)47086384
Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter Public School*CW6076077979
Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter SchoolCW91866852
Alma del Mar Charter SchoolCW69843655
Argosy Collegiate Charter SchoolCW14945147251
Atlantis Charter SchoolCW47664114526
Benjamin Banneker Charter Public SchoolCW461531
Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public SchoolCW67913215562
Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter Public SchoolCW71385891
Boston Collegiate Charter School*CW1,215352863
Boston Day and Evening Academy Charter SchoolHorace Mann (HM)25151929
Boston Green Academy Horace Mann Charter SchoolHM20510059164
Boston Preparatory Charter Public School*CW7604722290
Boston Renaissance Charter Public School*CW89847851
Bridge Boston Charter School*CW1,5472771,270
Brooke Charter School*CW2,88056912,312
Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter SchoolCW27251221
City on a Hill Charter Public School*CW2512510
Codman Academy Charter Public School*CW1,47870181858
Collegiate Charter School of LowellCW411143268
Community Charter School of CambridgeCW951216
Community Day Charter Public SchoolCW91639877
Conservatory Lab Charter School*CW1,5792391,340
Dudley Street Neighborhood Charter SchoolHM1902342
Edward M Kennedy Academy for Health Careers (Horace Mann)HM362222145285
Excel Academy Charter School*CW1,296345951
Four Rivers Charter Public SchoolCW7750734
Foxborough Regional Charter SchoolCW6706435683
Francis W Parker Charter Essential SchoolCW13410331
Global Learning Charter Public SchoolCW239938154
Hampden Charter School of Science EastCW1831553159
Hampden Charter School of Science WestCW11442173
Hill View Montessori Charter Public SchoolCW31644272
Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public SchoolCW1869690
Holyoke Community Charter SchoolCW23231111
Innovation Academy Charter SchoolCW30117522148
KIPP Academy Boston Charter School*CW1,1321171,015
KIPP Academy Lynn Charter SchoolCW1,963721,891
Lawrence Family Development Charter SchoolCW28945244
Learning First Charter Public SchoolCW281101180
Libertas Academy Charter SchoolCW27274343
Lowell Community Charter Public SchoolCW25356197
Map Academy Charter SchoolCW001919
Marblehead Community Charter Public SchoolCW1521520
Martha's Vineyard Charter SchoolCW10912
Martin Luther King Jr Charter School of ExcellenceCW1063267141
Match Charter Public School*CW1,801958843
Mystic Valley Regional Charter SchoolCW1,035117918
Neighborhood House Charter School*CW9931402801,133
New Heights Charter School of BrocktonCW27067203
Old Sturbridge Academy Charter Public SchoolCW27764213
Pioneer Charter School of ScienceCW1,812921,720
Pioneer Charter School of Science IICW1,2353451581,048
Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter SchoolCW179115468
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public SchoolCW20611591
Prospect Hill Academy Charter SchoolCW24222
Rising Tide Charter Public SchoolCW22713617108
River Valley Charter SchoolCW15541114
Roxbury Preparatory Charter School*CW91816
Salem Academy Charter SchoolCW27066204
Sizer School: A North Central Charter Essential SchoolCW16160
South Shore Charter Public SchoolCW649252397
Springfield International Charter SchoolCW1821721929
Springfield Preparatory Charter SchoolCW542155387
Sturgis Charter Public SchoolCW27620967
UP Academy Charter School of DorchesterHM1117104
Veritas Preparatory Charter SchoolCW78696372
Worcester Cultural Academy Charter Public SchoolCW0099
Commonwealth (CW) Subtotal 34,3189,7741,33325,877
Horace Mann (HM) Subtotal 722344246624
Grand Total 35,04010,1181,57926,501

*There are 16 schools that utilize the Boston Charter School Application online application system, 13 schools still maintained a waitlist as of October 1, 2023.

The unique waitlist counts provided in this current report should be taken as the Department's best understanding and representation of the updated demand for the current 2023-2024 school year rather than exact numbers of students willing to accept offers at each school.

Each charter school is responsible for maintaining its own individual waitlist. To ensure uniformity, the Department created a waitlist collection template and required charter schools to use the template to update waitlist data that was originally submitted by March 15, 2023, as well as input any new waitlist data. This template embedded tools that automatically flagged duplicate records, which each school could then remove before submitting its waitlist. The template also embedded tools that flagged the waitlist for other inconsistencies, such as unrealistic dates of birth (e.g., 2/28/2023) and student age. In order to verify student information and address overall waitlist accuracy, the Department corrected any transcription errors or inconsistencies in submitted charter school waitlists. Finally, the Department continues to implement its matching process, which is refined and updated to increase accuracy in identifying students who applied for admission to more than one charter school.

The Department thanks all of the charter school administrators and staff who worked diligently to report their waitlists as accurately as possible. The Department appreciates the efforts made by schools to submit their waitlist reports as promptly as possible.

The appendix to this report contains the following numbers based on an October 1, 2023 data collection:

  1. the unique number of students on waitlists;
  2. the total number applicants reported on charter school waitlists by March 15, 2023, and current year applicants reported on charter school waitlists after March 15, 2023;
  3. the unique number of students on waitlists by grade;
  4. the unique number of students on waitlists by city/town;
  5. the total number of students on waitlists for each charter school by grade (with backfilling overlay);
  6. the unique number of students on waitlists by city/town and grade; and
  7. the total number of students on waitlists for each charter school by city/town by grade.

For more information on waitlist policies and procedures and the number of students found on previous cycles of charter school waitlists, see Charter School Technical Advisory 16-3: Enrollment Processes and FAQs and Pre-Enrollment and Waitlist Data. For further information regarding this report, please contact Brenton Stewart or the Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign at .


Last Updated: January 10, 2024

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