The 2013 virtual schools legislation (Chapter 379 of the Acts of 2012, An Act Establishing Commonwealth Virtual Schools1) created the Digital Learning Advisory Council (DLAC) to advise the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and the Commissioner on:
The law specifies that the DLAC include representatives from various statewide education organizations, districts and schools including virtual schools (i.e., teacher, administrator, parent), higher education, and non-profit and technology companies. The current DLAC includes a broad range of experts who meet these criteria.
2018-2019 Work of the Council
In FY19, the DLAC discussed the performance of the virtual schools in light of the finding that they are not performing at a level comparable to that of traditional brick and mortar schools, at least as indicated by the metrics used by the school and district accountability system for all schools. After a series of meetings throughout the 2018-2019 school year in which it discussed the results of accountability reviews for the school, the DLAC met with representatives of the virtual schools at its May 2, 2019 meeting.
The virtual schools each had the opportunity to give presentations on the following topics:
Participants also discussed competency based approaches (including the use of student portfolios) and moving away from the notion of grades; the utilization of "alternative" assessments to supplement state assessment data; strategies for increasing student engagement in the virtual classroom; parent/guardian outreach strategies, including communication between virtual schools and parents/guardians of prospective students; the provision of in-person student supports; the transfer of student information between virtual and brick and mortar schools; and the role of the learning coach, typically a student's parent/guardian, in ensuring student success.
Council Recommendations
State Assessment: DESE should investigate how MCAS administration can be improved for students enrolled in virtual schools.
Student Growth: Virtual schools should agree on common growth measures.
Wraparound Services: DESE and the virtual schools should consider the potential role of intermediary organizations, such as educational collaboratives, in serving as "wraparound" student support centers.
Personalized Learning Plans: DESE and the virtual schools should investigate assessments that consider students' strengths as well as learning needs in order to develop personalized learning plans for students.
Council Details
Department Administrator: Kenneth Klau, Director, Director of Instructional Policy
Chairpersons: Barbara Treacy
Members of the 2018-2019 DLAC:2
Amy A. Gracia, Teacher of English and Special Education, Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School
Amy Michalowski, Dean, The Virtual High School
Angela Burke, Director of Technology, The Collaborative for Educational Services
Annamaria Schrimpf, Director of Education Technology, Minuteman Regional High School
Barbara Treacy, Adjunct Lecturer and Digital Learning Consultant, Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Elizabeth Tripathi, Education Policy Specialist, Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA)
Fred Haas, Technology Integration Coordinator, Hopkinton High School
Justin Reich, Executive Director, MIT Teaching Systems Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Kevin Bauman, Senior Director of Product Management, Penn Foster
Kyle W. Shachmut, Project Manager for Accessibility at HarvardX, Harvard University
Lynn McCormack, Software Engineer, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Michael Horn, Author of Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools and Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns; writer, speaker, and education consultant
Robert Reilly, School Committee Member, Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational Technical / Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC)
Sarah Kyriazis, Manager of Instructional Technology and Digital Learning, Worcester Public Schools
Council Meeting Dates:
September 14, 2018; December 6, 2018; January 18, 2019; March 12, 2019; May 2, 2019
Note: 1
Last Updated: January 14, 2020