Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

EdGrants & GEM$: User Guides, Information and Trainings

This is where you can find all information, user guides and trainings related to EdGrants.

GEM$: User Guides, Information and Trainings

EdGrants User Information

EdGrants User Guides

Interdepartmental Service Agreements (ISAs)

Interdepartmental Service Agreements (ISAs) are contract documents required when Commonwealth Department awards grant funding to another Commonwealth Department (Community Colleges and County Sherriff Departments and MA state agencies).

To ensure allowable fund use, the grantee must obtain approval by the program office. All grants must be submitted in the grants system, including proposed budget line items, prior to the Grants Management office beginning the ISA process with the entity receiving the grant funds. EdGrants requires a crosswalk submission to generate the ISA. GEM$ grants include an ISA crosswalk tab in the application.

Any revisions that impact the object classes would trigger a revised ISA based on the new crosswalk. Once completed ISAs are signed by the applicant and by DESE, the grant will be processed through the DESE fiscal approved step. Keep this workflow in mind and please always respond timely with signed ISAs so we can process your grant and/or revision.

Crosswalks — the crosswalk tools are designed to assist in mapping the EdGrants budget against the proper ISA subsidiaries.

EdGrants Trainings

Grants Management offers several opportunities throughout the fiscal year to attend online webinar training sessions to learn how to navigate EdGrants, the Department's online financial system. EdGrants Front Office users responsible for using EdGrants on behalf of their Applicant entity should attend the training sessions.

EdGrants 101 — This training is meant for brand new users as well as those that might need a refresher. It covers the basic start-up of the grant cycle.

These sessions will cover:

  • Requesting EdGrants Front Office User Access
  • Application Submission
  • Submitting Requests for Funds (Payment Requests)
  • Overview of amendments
  • General use/navigation tips

Request for EdGrants 101

EdGrants 102 — This training focuses on grant activities that occur throughout the grant cycle as well as the grant closeout process.

These sessions will cover:

  • How to file financial final reports (FR-1)
  • How to access and complete amendments
  • Increase/decrease amendments
  • General use/navigation tips

Request for EdGrants 102

ISA Webinars — This training will cover the basic start-up of the grant cycle and grant activities that occur throughout the grant cycle as well as the grant closeout process.

  • Requesting EdGrants Front Office User Access
  • Application Submission
  • Crosswalk
  • Amendments
  • Final Reports

Request for ISA Webinars

Last Updated: August 2, 2024