21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative is a federally funded competitive grant program authorized under Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.

The overall purpose of the federally funded MA 21st CCLC grant is to provide academically enriching programming during Out-of-School Time (OST) (school year and summer) that uses evidence-based, systemic practices to support students 'needs by:

  • Strengthening student learning through the implementation of effective instructional practices that promote and support DESE's Vision for deeper learning .
  • Creating a learning environment that inspires meaningful, sustained student engagement through the development of a coherent and holistic range of programming that contributes to the development of mastery, identity, and creativity for students.
  • Cultivating systems that support the whole child and foster joyful, healthy, and supportive learning environments so that all students feel valued, connected and empowered to make informed choices in life and are prepared for college and careers.
  • Effectively engaging in linguistically and culturally sustaining ways, students with identities that have been historically marginalized in educational settings.
  • Using data effectively in designing programming that addresses student needs.

MA 21CCLC Theory of Action: If DESE's 21st CCLC Grant program supports communities though grant funding, PD, coaching, peer and regional networking opportunities to provide equitable access to out-of-school time (OST) learning experiences that are data driven, grounded in grade-level work that is real world, relevant, and interactive with a particular focus on effectively engaging students with identities and cultures that have been historically marginalized... Then districts and schools and community partners will o design meaningful and engaging OST learning experiences that are evidence based, authentic, hands-on, challenging, and purposeful.... And students will o have ownership of their learning, increase engagement, and have choice over how to show mastery or create a final product or performance. oexperience improved academic and SEL outcomes as measured by the Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes.

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis for up to three to five years. Grantees meeting all requirements may apply yearly for continuation funds until their grant cycle is completed. Carryover of funds is not allowed (an entity must return all funds that are unexpended at the end of each program year and cannot request any portion of those unexpended funds in the following year).

Massachusetts does not participate in the renewability clause as allowed in ESSA. Grantees in their final year of funding are eligible to apply, though a competitive process, for an Exemplary Programs grant, generally at 85% of their current grant award. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their ability to continue to operate at the same or increased programming levels.

Supported with federal funds, the purpose of this competitive Exemplary Grant Program is to support a network of high quality 21st CCLC programs that are able to demonstrate exemplary promising 21CCLC practices and the ability to serve as models, mentors, and resources on those practices.

More information and details may be found on the Funding Opportunities page.

For details on other learning opportunities, see the Student and Family Support (SFS) home page that includes information about state funded After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Quality Enhancement Grants (Fund Code 530) and links to other types of extended learning opportunities as well.

Last Updated: March 3, 2025

Contact Us

Karyl Resnick,
21st CCLC Coordinator

Rachelle Engler Bennett,
Associate Commissioner, Student and Family Support

Office of Student and Family Support