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21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program

The purpose of the federally funded 21st CCLC grant is to support the implementation of academically enriching additional learning time that occurs during out-of-school time (OST) and/or through an expanded day referred to as Expanded Learning Time or ELT. Programming contributes to deepening student learning during the school year and summer by combining content knowledge with interactive, relevant, and engaging learning experiences that emphasize the skills necessary to apply that knowledge successfully so that all students can be successful in school, empowered to make informed choices in life after high school, and prepared for college and careers.

*Additional learning time, for the purposes of Massachusetts 21st CCLC grants, is generally defined as follows: Structured academically enriching programming that occurs either during

  • Out-of-School-Time (OST) — held outside of the regular school day, week and/or year for a targeted group of students.
  • Expanded Learning Time (ELT) — adding time to the required school day, week and/or year for all students enrolled (the ability to support ELT programming through 21st CCLC funding was added a result of ESEA approved flexibility and the newly authorized ESSA).

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis for up to three to five years. Grantees meeting all requirements may apply yearly for continuation funds until their grant cycle is completed. Carryover of funds is not allowed (an entity must return all funds that are unexpended at the end of each program year and cannot request any portion of those unexpended funds in the following year).

Massachusetts does not participate in the renewability clause as allowed in ESSA. Grantees in their final year of funding are eligible to apply, though a competitive process, for an Exemplary Programs grant, generally at 85% of their current grant award. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their ability to continue to operate at the same or increased programming levels.

The goal of the Exemplary Programs grant is to expand and enhance a statewide network of high quality 21st CCLC programs that serve as resources and mentors.

More information and details may be found on the Funding Opportunities page.

For details on other extended learning opportunities, see the Student and Family Support (SFS) home page that includes information about state funded After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) Quality Enhancement Grants (Fund Code 530) and links to other types of extended learning opportunities as well.

Last Updated: December 12, 2023

Contact Us

Karyl Resnick,
21st CCLC Coordinator

Rachelle Engler Bennett,
Associate Commissioner, Student and Family Support

Office of Student and Family Support

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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