Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : PreK
Discipline - Physical Science
Core Idea - Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer
[PreK.PS.4.2] - Connect daily experiences and investigations to demonstrate the relationships between the size and shape of shadows, the objects creating the shadow, and the light source.
[SL.PK.1] -
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
[SL.PK.5] -
Create representations of experiences or stories (e.g., drawings, constructions with blocks or other materials, clay models) and explain them to others.
[PK.CC.C.5] -
Use comparative language, such as more/less than, equal to, to compare and describe collections of objects.
[PK.MD.A.2] -
Compare the attributes of length and weight for two objects, including longer/shorter, same length; heavier/lighter, same weight; holds more/less, holds the same amount.
[PK.G.A.1] -
Identify relative positions of objects in space, and use appropriate language (e.g., beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart).
[PK.G.A.2] -
Identify various two-dimensional shapes using appropriate language.
[PK.G.B.3] -
Create and represent three-dimensional shapes (ball/sphere, square box/cube, tube/cylinder) using various manipulative materials (such as Popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks).