Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : PreK
Discipline - Life Science
Core Idea - Variation of Traits
[PreK.LS.3.1] - Use observations to explain that young plants and animals are like but not exactly like their parents. Clarification Statement: Examples of observations include puppies that look similar but not exactly the same as their parents.
[W.PK.2] -
Use a combination of dictating and drawing to supply information about a topic.
[L.PK.5.a] -
Demonstrate understanding of concepts by sorting common objects into categories (e.g., sort objects by color, shape, or texture).
[PK.MD.A.1] -
Recognize the attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of everyday objects using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, wide, narrow).
[PK.MD.A.2] -
Compare the attributes of length and weight for two objects, including longer/shorter, same length; heavier/lighter, same weight; holds more/less, holds the same amount.