Standards Map

English Language Arts and Literacy > Grade PK > Writing

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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : PK

Strand - Writing

Cluster - Text Types and Purposes

[W.PK.2] - Use a combination of dictating and drawing to supply information about a topic.


    Predecessor Standards:

    No Predecessor Standards found.

    Successor Standards:

    • W.K.2
      Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts that name and supply some information about a topic.

    Same Level Standards:

    • PreK.LS.2.2
      Using evidence from the local environment, explain how familiar plants and animals meet their needs where they live. Clarification Statements: Basic needs include water, food, air, shelter, and, for most plants, light. Examples of evidence can include squirrels gathering nuts for the winter and plants growing in the presence of sun and water. The local environment includes the area around the student’s school, home, or adjacent community.
    • PreK.LS.2.3
      Give examples from the local environment of how animals and plants are dependent on one another to meet their basic needs.
    • PreK.LS.3.1
      Use observations to explain that young plants and animals are like but not exactly like their parents. Clarification Statement: Examples of observations include puppies that look similar but not exactly the same as their parents.
    • PreK.LS.3.2
      Use observations to recognize differences and similarities among themselves and their friends.