Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 3
Discipline - Technology/Engineering
Core Idea - Engineering Design
[3.ETS.1.1] - Define a simple design problem that reflects a need or a want. Include criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost that a potential solution must meet.*
[3.MD.A.1] -
Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.
[3.PS.2.4] -
Define a simple design problem that can be solved by using interactions between magnets.*
Clarification Statement: Examples of problems could include constructing a latch to keep a door shut and creating a device to keep two moving objects from touching each other.
[3.ETS.1.4] -
Gather information using various informational resources on possible solutions to a design problem. Present different representations of a design solution.* Clarification Statements: Examples of informational resources can include books, videos, and websites. Examples of representations can include graphic organizers, sketches, models, and prototypes.
[3-5-ETS1-3 and 3-5-ETS1-5(MA) are found in grade 4