Purpose: | The purpose of this federally-funded competitive Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Summer Enhancement Grant is to stem summer learning loss by expanding innovative summer learning programs that address both the academic and developmental needs of students.
Priorities: |
To provide a blended approach of innovative and engaging academic enrichment activities that increase motivation to learn and addresses the summer learning slide through relevant, hands-on programming.
To support the successful transition of students into elementary (including pre-K to K), middle and or high school.
To develop strong collaboration and partnerships for planning and implementation in order to align and leverage resources, improve program quality, and develop shared outcomes for success.
To provide innovative shared professional development opportunities for teachers, administrators, and community based partners.
Key Grant Requirements: |
Provide at minimum 120 total hours of programming during the summer of 2018 in one or more of the ways described below:
Add hours to currently planned FY18 summer program by increasing the number of hours offered each day and/or the number of days/weeks provided.
Sites that had planned to offer at least (or close to) 120 hours of FY18 summer programming should propose to increase the total number of students served by approximately 25 percent (as compared to previous plans for 2018).
Sites that received an FY17 Summer Enhancement Grant must, at minimum, offer the same number of hours for the same number of students in FY18 as in FY17.
In order to address summer learning loss, programs must commit to enrolling students to attend the full duration of the Summer Enhancement Program. On average, students must attend a minimum of 80 percent of the total hours offered.
Program must address the academic and social-emotional learning (SEL) needs of students through engaging hands-on programming that includes either project-based learning (PBL) or service-learning (SL).
Eligibility: |
Eligible entities are all current recipients of a fiscal year 2017-2018 (FY18) Out-of-School Time (OST) or Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Fund Code (FC) 647, 646, and/or 645 grant. OST sites must be planning to offer a summer program either supported with 21st CCLC or other grant funds/resources in FY17. ELT sites interested in developing or enhancing an existing summer program may choose to offer programming to a subset of students that attend or will be attending the school.
The Department reserves the right to consider additional factors such as geographic distribution and diversity of school and program type in making final award decisions.
Funding Type: | Federal CFDA: 84.287
Funding: |
Approximately up to $300,000 is available.
Grantees may apply for up to $20,000/site for a maximum of two (2) sites.
Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding is to become available it will be distributed under the same guideline as listed in the initial RFP document.
Fund Use: | Funds must be used solely to support the priorities of the Summer Enhancement. Funding must be used to supplement and not supplant other funding and programs. No more than 10 percent of the total budget may be used for materials and supplies.
Project Duration: |
Upon Approval - 8/31/2018
Note: The start date of the grant cannot be before the application is submitted in EdGrants.
Program Unit: | Office of Student and Family Support
Contact: | Karyl Resnick
Phone Number: | (781) 338-3515
Date Due: |
Friday, March 16, 2018
See the Submission Instructions section below for additional details.
Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.
Required Forms: |
Part I - General - Program Unit Signature Page - (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)
Part II - Budget Detail Pages (Include both pages.)
Part III - Required Program Information
Additional Information: |
- Addendum A - Eligible Districts/Programs/Sites and amounts
- Districts/Schools must designate a special education liaison to the 21st CCLC program to ensure that students on an IEP have full access to the program.
- Recipients will be required to utilize the Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes (SAYO) for all students served by these funds. Any accommodations or modifications to the SAYO administration for students on an IEP should be described in the written evaluation.
- Recipients will be required to complete and submit student data forms for all programs and services funded by this grant.
- Applicants that are planning to implement a Service Learning Program during the summer may apply to receive up to 6 hours of onsite coaching.
Grantees interested in receiving on site coaching must have attended a 2-day SL training.
Note: As part of the competitive review process should the coaching requested exceed the capacity of the TA provider; priority will be given to the awarded sites that have not previously received similar planning and implementation support from Department.
Applicants must identify a team of 3-5 staff that consists of:
- the program and/or site coordinator(s),
- at least one staff person per site who will implement the curriculum during the enhanced summer program, and
- at least one ELA or mathematics certified teacher (depending on selected SAYO academic focus — that is indicated in the Part III document's Accountability and Evaluation section).
Teams will be able to participate in the following:
- 1/2-day On-Site Technical Assistance visit
- Up to 4-hours of additional coaching via phone, Skype or email=1/2-day On-Site Technical Assistance visit (during summer program implementation)
Submission Instructions: |
Email to cclc@doe.mass.edu by no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 16, 2018 the following:
- Excel Workbook
- Part III - Required Program Information
- A PDF of a printed, signed, and scanned Part I signature page.
Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget, Part I and Part III in EdGrants. Once selected, recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.