Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs: FY2018

Career and Technical Education Student Organization Grant
Fund Code: 414

Purpose: The purpose of this federally funded competitive Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Organization is to support the mission of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to prepare all students for postsecondary success.

The Perkins Career/Vocational Technical Student Organizations grant programs are designed to contribute to this goal by providing funds that will support the closing of proficiency gaps for students and the continuous improvement of career/vocational technical education in Massachusetts.

The Department seeks to provide funds to coordinate the following statewide Massachusetts' Career/Vocational Technical Student Organizations:
  • Business Professionals of America CVTSO (BPA)
  • Distributive Education Clubs of America CVTSO (DECA)
  • Future Farmers of America CVTSO (FFA)
  • Health Occupations Students of America CVTSO (HOSA)
  • SkillsUSA CVTSO (SkillsUSA)
Priorities: The primary purpose of the Perkins Career/Vocational Technical Student Organization grant program is to support the priority: Increasing college and career readiness. The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 P.L. 109-270 (Perkins IV) permits funds to be used for the support of career/vocational technical education student organizations, especially with respect to increasing the participation of students who are members of special populations. Students who are members of special populations include students with disabilities, students with limited proficiency in English, students from economically disadvantaged families including foster children, students who are single parents and/or pregnant, and students pursuing careers that are nontraditional for their gender, and deliver services to increase student outcomes on the six (6) Perkins IV secondary-level core indicators of performance.

To help ensure that grant-funded initiatives are based on and aligned with research-based standards of effective practice, DESE requires that applicants connect their proposals to such standards. The Department's research-based District Standards and Indicators Download Word Document reflect the characteristics of successful districts, and is the framework grant applicants must use in developing their proposals. Intentionally aligning proposed initiatives to these standards and indicators will support applicants' effective planning and the strategic use of grant funds.

The Perkins Student Organization grant programs supports implementation of the following District Standard: Student Support. Applicants should identify the specific indicator(s) that their grant proposal supports.

Applicants should also refer to DESE's additional standards of effective practice, which are linked to the specific District Standard identified below. Use of these standards is optional.

Student Support
  1. Tip: If connecting to this standard's Indicator 4, Partnerships and Services to Support Learning, districts may also want to integrate the Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals with their planning.

  2. Tip: If connecting to this standard, districts may also want to integrate the Massachusetts Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and/or The Behavioral Health and Public Schools Framework with their planning.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must have documented experience working with Massachusetts school district students in Chapter-74 approved CVTE programs and Perkins CTE programs.

Applicants must submit a brief description (not to exceed six (6) pages in total) of how they will increase the number of students, to include special populations, participating in student organization activities. All narrative responses must be in Arial 10 point font, with one (1) inch margins. The budget is not included in the page limit. Applicants are required to provide page numbers on every page of the proposal, including appendices and material not subject to the page limits. Additional attachments are permitted but will not factor into final scoring.

Funding Type:Federal CFDA 84.048

Funding: Funding will be allocated based on availability, and according to the number of students projected to participate in skills development competitions and leadership events at the state level (or participating in these the prior year).

Tier 1 (up to one hundred students) - minimum of $15,000
Tier 2 (one hundred to ten thousand students) - minimum of $40,000
Tier 3 (above ten thousand students) - minimum of $150,000

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding is to become available it will be distributed under the same guideline as listed in the initial RFP document.

Project Duration:Upon approval to 8/31/2018
Program Unit:Office for College, Career and Technical Education
Contact:David Edmonds
Phone Number:(781) 338-3946
Date Due: Friday, September 29, 2017

Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.

Required Forms:
Download Word Document
Part I - General - Program Unit Signature Page - (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)
Download Excel Document
Part II - Budget Detail Pages (Include both pages.)
Download Word Document
Part III - Required Program Information

Submission Instructions: Email complete submission packet to: David Edmonds @ - Once awarded, applicants will be notified by program staff.

Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget and Part I in EdGrants. Once selected, recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.