Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : PreK
Discipline - Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea - Earth's Place in the Universe
[PreK.ESS.1.2] - Observe and use evidence to describe that the Sun is in different places in the sky during the day.
[RI.PK.7] -
With prompting and support, describe important details from an illustration or photograph.
[W.PK.3] -
Use a combination of dictating and drawing to tell a story.
[PK.G.A.1] -
Identify relative positions of objects in space, and use appropriate language (e.g., beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart).
[PK.G.B.3] -
Create and represent three-dimensional shapes (ball/sphere, square box/cube, tube/cylinder) using various manipulative materials (such as Popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks).