Standards Map

Mathematics > Grade 6 > The Number System

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Mathematics | Grade : 6

Domain - The Number System

Cluster - Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

[6.NS.C.5] - Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, and positive/negative electric charge). Use positive and negative numbers (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals) to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of zero in each situation.


    Predecessor Standards:

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    Successor Standards:

    • 7.NS.A.1.a
      Describe situations in which opposite quantities combine to make zero. For example: A hydrogen atom has zero charge because its two constituents are oppositely charged; If you open a new bank account with a deposit of $30 and then withdraw $30, you are left with a $0 balance.
    • 7.PS.3.3
      Apply scientific principles of energy and heat transfer to design, construct, and test a device to minimize or maximize thermal energy transfer.* Clarification Statement: Examples of devices could include an insulated box, a solar cooker, and a vacuum flask. State Assessment Boundary: Accounting for specific heat or calculations of the total amount of thermal energy transferred is not expected in state assessment.
    • 7.PS.3.4
      Conduct an investigation to determine the relationships among the energy transferred, how well the type of matter retains or radiates heat, the mass, and the change in the average kinetic energy of the particles as measured by the temperature of the sample. State Assessment Boundary: Calculations of specific heat or the total amount of thermal energy transferred are not expected in state assessment.
    • 7.PS.3.5
      Present evidence to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object. Clarification Statement: Examples of empirical evidence could include an inventory or other representation of the energy before and after the transfer in the form of temperature changes or motion of an object. State Assessment Boundary: Calculations of energy are not expected in state assessment.
    • 7.PS.3.6
      Use a model to explain how thermal energy is transferred out of hotter regions or objects and into colder ones by convection, conduction, and radiation.
    • 8.PS.2.1
      Develop a model that demonstrates Newton’s third law involving the motion of two colliding objects. State Assessment Boundary: State assessment will be limited to vertical or horizontal interactions in one dimension.
    • 8.PS.2.2
      Provide evidence that the change in an object’s speed depends on the sum of the forces on the object (the net force) and the mass of the object. Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on balanced (Newton’s first law) and unbalanced forces in a system, qualitative comparisons of forces, mass, and changes in speed (Newton’s second law) in one dimension. State Assessment Boundaries: State assessment will be limited to forces and changes in motion in one dimension in an inertial reference frame and to change in one variable at a time. The use of trigonometry is not expected in state assessment.
    • HS.CHEM.3.4
      Provide evidence from informational text or available data to illustrate that the transfer of energy during a chemical reaction in a closed system involves changes in energy dispersal (enthalpy change) and heat content (entropy change) while assuming the overall energy in the system is conserved. State Assessment Boundary: Calculations involving Gibbs free energy are not expected in state assessment.

    Same Level Standards:

    • 6.NS.C.6.a
      Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., –(–3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.
    • 6.PS.1.6
      Plan and conduct an experiment involving exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions to measure and describe the release or absorption of thermal energy. Clarification Statements: Emphasis is on describing transfer of energy to and from the environment. Examples of chemical reactions could include dissolving ammonium chloride or calcium chloride.