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Student Scholarships, Awards & Special Programs

John and Abigail Adams Scholarship


The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship provides a tuition credit for up to eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. The scholarship covers tuition only; fees and room and board are not included. The scholarship must be used within six years of a student's high school graduation.

Eligibility to earn a John and Abigail Adams Scholarship is based on students' first-time scores on high school MCAS tests.

Notification letters are sent to high schools, who then distribute them to students and their families. In order to receive the scholarship, students must notify the financial aid office of the Massachusetts public college or university to which they have been accepted and complete the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Questions about why a student did not receive a scholarship or other questions about eligibility should be directed to the Office of Student Assessment Services at .

MCAS Requirements for Scholarship Eligibility

Additional Criteria to Receive the Adams Scholarship

Scholarship Award Notification Letters

Massachusetts State Colleges and Universities that Accept the Adams Scholarship

Last Updated: February 29, 2024

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