Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL)

Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL)

The RETELL initiative (Rethinking Equity in the Teaching of English Language Learners) represents a commitment to address the persistent gap in academic proficiency experienced by EL students. At the heart of this initiative are training and licensure requirements for the Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement, which core academic and career vocational teachers of ELs and principals/assistant principals and supervisors/directors who supervise or evaluate such teachers must obtain.

Requirement to obtain the SEI Endorsement

Any unendorsed Core Academic or Career Vocational Educator who is assigned an EL has 12 months from the time of that assignment to earn the SEI Endorsement.

Pathways to earning the SEI Endorsement

For-cost SEI Endorsement courses

Any educator who wishes to earn the SEI endorsement may enroll in an endorsement course for a cost through one of the state-approved vendors. Information about for-cost courses can be found at For-Cost Courses webpage.


Educators who take and pass the SEI MTEL are eligible to receive the SEI Endorsement. Information about the test, including registration procedures and preparation materials, can be found at the SEI MTEL Information webpage.

Possession of an ESL license

Educators who possess an ESL license are automatically eligible for the SEI Endorsement and will receive it once they apply. Information about licensing can be found on the webpage for the Office of Educator Licensure.

Transcript review

Educators who have previously completed graduate-level coursework that they believe may qualify them for the SEI Endorsement may request a transcript review from the Licensure Office. For questions about transcript reviews or other license-related topics, please contact the Office of Educator Licensure at 781-338-6600.

RETELL/Extending the Learning

Historical Information and Letters to the Field

Requirements for Core Academic Teachers prior to July 1, 2016

Only core academic teachers who were assigned an EL or administrators who supervise/evaluate core academic teachers who were assigned ELs during their districts' cohort years are required to obtain the SEI Endorsement prior to July 1, 2016. Under 603 CMR 7.15 and 603 CMR 14.07 those CATs who were assigned an EL at any point during their districts' cohort years and who fail to earn an SEI Endorsement by the time designated for their cohort, will not be eligible to renew, advance, or extend their educator license when it is due for such action until they earn an SEI Endorsement.

Prior to July 1, 2016, a CAT who was never assigned an EL during their district's cohort years is not required to earn the Endorsement.

Requirement for Career Vocational Technical Educators Prior to July 2021

The cohort of all career vocational technical teachers who instructed English learners during the 2017-2018 school year, and principals, assistant principals, and supervisors/directors who supervised or evaluated such teachers, must earn the appropriate SEI Endorsement by July 1, 2021. Members of the cohort who fail to earn an SEI endorsement by July 1, 2021, shall not be eligible to advance or renew their license under 603 CMR 4.00, 603 CMR 7.00, and 603 CMR 44.00 until such members earn an SEI endorsement; provided however, upon a showing of hardship, the Department may grant a member of the cohort an extension of time beyond July 1, 2021.

Last Updated: September 24, 2024