Approved Special Education Schools

About Us

The Office of Approved Special Education Schools (OASES) works towards our vision and support our mission by requiring accountability among the schools we regulate, while also providing guidance and support services to ensure schools are aware of, and understand, advancements and changes in special education law, DESE policies, systems, and best practices. Data-driven and evidence-based decision making is essential to effective delivery and advancement of special education and, in support of this, OASES collects and analyzes serious incidents, restraint data, complaints, action forms and historical data from collaboratives and approved special education schools to identify trends and patterns where technical assistance may be needed.

OASES works closely with other state agencies, particularly, the Department of Early Education and Care, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Mental Health, and the Department of Public Health. The work of OASES with these sister agencies includes data sharing, working with programs on any particular concerns from more than one agency, maintaining working groups to develop and provide clarification on topics where there is overlap among the agencies, and streamlining procedures to eliminate duplication on the part of the programs and state agencies.


Monitoring collaboratives and approved special education school programs to assist with the implementation of state and federal special education and civil rights requirements in order to improve outcomes for students with special education needs.


OASES supports collaboratives and approved special education schools to ensure that all students are safe, educated by qualified staff, and receive specialized instruction to meet their individual needs.

Last Updated: November 5, 2019