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Kaleidoscope Collective for Learning

Our Work

The Kaleidoscope Collective for Learning has engaged in work across Massachusetts with educators at all levels.

Cohort 2: Boston Public Schools

Cohort 2 was launched in Spring 2021 as a partnership with 15 schools in the Boston Public School district, located in East Boston, the North End, and Charlestown. Cohort 2 will collaborate with Kaleidoscope in a 5-year project to engage in Deeper Learning as well as provide critical feedback on Kaleidoscope's tools and resources. The cohort includes schools of varying types and grade spans.

Kaleidoscope Educator Network

The Kaleidoscope Educator Network launched in Fall 2022 in partnership with TNTP. In this program, schools and districts from across Massachusetts interested in transforming their existing use of high-quality instructional materials through Deeper Learning practices and professional learning. This Network includes finalists and semi-finalists from the State Teacher of the Year contest, as well as educators from districts across Massachusetts.

Cohort 1: Pilot

Cohort 1 was established in January 2020. Nearly 500 schools, districts, and collaboratives expressed early interest in the pilot program, and 21 schools were selected for the inaugural cohort. These schools had already begun innovative work involving Deeper Learning and were eager to build upon that work. The cohort includes schools of varying types, grade spans, and geographical areas.

Last Updated: November 8, 2022

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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