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Strategic Initiatives

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policies and Practices at DESE

DESE plays a pivotal role in ensuring access to high-quality education for all students in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To support the goal of providing greater access and opportunities for students, DESE staff members are committed to developing and strengthening the knowledge, capacity, and skills necessary to understand and address how policies and practices can support more equitable student outcomes. Further, leadership within DESE is committed to cultivating the skills to foster a climate of trust throughout the agency that is built on diversity, equity, and inclusion. These efforts are spread across all centers and teams at DESE, with CSI coordinating and leading the following initiatives.

DESE DEI Committee

A DESE staff-based committee that discusses and recommends policies and practices to promote a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment at DESE. The DEI Committee consists of three Subcommittees: Human Capital (HC), Professional Development (PD) and Climate and Culture.

Cultural and Linguistically Responsive Leadership Training

DESE is working with a partner organization to provide training to all DESE managers to further develop knowledge, skills, strategies, and resources to promote a more racially equitable K–12 and adult education services system.

DESE Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

DESE will launch Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) for DESE employees in 2024. ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups that aim to promote diversity and inclusion within an organization by creating a sense of community and belonging among employees who share common interests and identities.

DESE REDT Training

DESE is working with a partner organization to provide training on utilizing the Racial Equity Decision-Making Tool (REDT), a planning tool with an intentional focus on ensuring racial equity within the decision-making process.

Last Updated: June 28, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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