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Digital Learning & Technology

Alliance for Excellent Education Webinar: District Strategies for Achieving Digital Equity

Alliance for Excellent Education
Registration Required
May 6, 2016
11:00 am -11:30 am EDT
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) for the first in a series of webinars exploring digital equity and broadband access. With the recent announcement by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that it will modernize its Lifeline Program to make high-speed broadband service more affordable for low-income families, digital equity has moved to the forefront of the federal policy agenda. Although changes to the program represent a significant step toward achieving digital equity, much more work remains to be done at a local level to ensure that all students have equitable opportunities to benefit from the promise of technology and digital access. While more than 5 million households with school-aged children lack access to high-speed internet service at home, a recent CoSN survey reveals that fewer than 25 percent of district technology leaders have a plan to address off-campus access. Additionally, only 3 percent of teachers in high-poverty schools agree that their students have the digital tools necessary to complete assignments at home. Recognizing the need to involve more district leaders in supporting digital equity, CoSN released its "Digital Equity Action Toolkit"on the 2016 Digital Learning Day. This webinar will provide an overview of resources available in the Toolkit to help education leaders address digital equity in broadband access. It will also include a discussion about emerging strategies that districts are using to overcome disparate levels of access within their communities. Panelists will address questions submitted by viewers from across the country. Viewers are invited to send questions to or tweet your questions to @All4Ed using #digitalequity. To register and submit questions for the webinar online, please fill out the registration form. Please direct questions concerning the webinar to If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available at Recent Webinars & Events approximately 1–2 business days after the event airs.

Last Updated: April 21, 2016

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