Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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2019 MCAS
Grade 8 English Language Arts
Question 8

Idea Development - Score Point 5

The four-paragraph essay insightfully conveys the significance of the shoes to both Douglas and Mr. Sanderson by acknowledging both the physical and the emotional impact that the shoes have upon the two of them. A rich introduction highlighting the shoes' influence on the characters' feelings is expanded upon in fully developed body paragraphs. The essay addresses the "abstract" connections that Douglas feels, providing skillfully selected details to support the idea of the "raw power that the shoes give him," both physical and mental. Insightful analysis is included: "not only do the shoes remind Douglas of stimulating experiences, but they also bring him courage and confidence." Examples of how the shoes evoke memories of "vivid experience[s]" in Douglas support this analysis. The discussion of Mr. Sanderson provides insight into how the shoes draw the two characters closer together: "the shoes temporarily took Mr. Sanderson out of reality, and into a world similar to Douglas's." This is notable because "the reader can easily identify that shoes brought Mr. Sanderson some memories from the past," which ultimately persuade him "to give Douglas the shoes." The conclusion reinforces the idea that both characters experience a strong connection to the shoes, though in different ways. Overall, the essay shows full awareness of the task, using analysis and careful organization to communicate the central idea concerning the significance of the shoes to each character.

Standard English Conventions - Score Point 3

Despite some minor errors, the essay contains a variety of sentence structures and correct punctuation, showing consistent control of conventions, as in this example: "Later on, Douglas is reminded of another experience; this one is also full of imagery." The length of the essay and the complexity of structures, spelling, and mechanics are sufficient to reveal control of Standard English conventions throughout.
Answer for Idea Development Score Point 5, and Standard English Conventions Score Point 3
The four-paragraph essay insightfully conveys the significance of the shoes to both Douglas and Mr. Sanderson by acknowledging both the physical and the emotional impact that the shoes have upon the two of them. A rich introduction highlighting the shoes' influence on the characters' feelings is expanded upon in fully developed body paragraphs. The essay addresses the "abstract" connections that Douglas feels, providing skillfully selected details to support the idea of the "raw power that the shoes give him," both physical and mental. Insightful analysis is included: "not only do the shoes remind Douglas of stimulating experiences, but they also bring him courage and confidence." Examples of how the shoes evoke memories of "vivid experience[s]" in Douglas support this analysis. The discussion of Mr. Sanderson provides insight into how the shoes draw the two characters closer together: "the shoes temporarily took Mr. Sanderson out of reality, and into a world similar to Douglas's." This is notable because "the reader can easily identify that shoes brought Mr. Sanderson some memories from the past," which ultimately persuade him "to give Douglas the shoes." The conclusion reinforces the idea that both characters experience a strong connection to the shoes, though in different ways. Overall, the essay shows full awareness of the task, using analysis and careful organization to communicate the central idea concerning the significance of the shoes to each character.

[ 5 Points | 5 Points | 4 Points | 3 Points | 2 Points | 1 Point | 0 Points]

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education