2019 MCAS
Grade 8 English Language Arts
Question 8
Idea Development - Score Point 4
The essay is well developed with a clear central idea: the shoes remind both Douglas and Mr. Sanderson of "freedom." The writer explains how the shoes represent freedom, first to Mr. Sanderson and then to Douglas, through effectively chosen details and a clear expression of ideas, as in this example: "Douglas is also reminded by the shoes of freedom, though more in a way where he is free of the weight of winter." The shoes are significant to Mr. Sanderson, not only because he owns the business, but because putting them on reminds him of being free like "'Antelopes . . . Gazelles.'" Some explanations of the quotations tend to repeat rather than analyze, but others make deeper connections. Overall, the essay's organization is effective, though there is some reliance on formulaic transitions in the body paragraphs, such as "Next" and "Finally." However, ideas connect within these paragraphs and build effectively to their respective conclusions. By exploring "[symbolically] and literally" the relationship each character has with the sneakers, the essay demonstrates clear analysis and full awareness of task and mode.
Standard English Conventions - Score Point 3
The essay is of sufficient length and complexity to demonstrate consistent control over all aspects of conventions. The writing embeds quotations from the story correctly, showing control of a variety of punctuation skills, as in this example: "When Mr. Sanderson remembers wearing the shoes as a child, 'emotions hurried over his face as if many colored lights had been switched on and off.'" Spelling and grammar are correct throughout, and a variety of sentence structures are used correctly.
5 Points |
5 Points | 4 Points |
3 Points |
2 Points |
1 Point |
0 Points]