2019 MCAS
Grade 10 English Language Arts
Question 18
Idea Development - Score Point 2
This brief letter emphasizes a few points about the dangers of plastic waste but provides less information about e-waste. The reader understands that both forms of waste are dangerous, but regarding e-waste, is told only that it "is also a large issue that is only getting worse." Evidence is limited and largely paraphrased from the excerpts, and there is vague commentary in the form of general statements regarding solutions: "In order to help solve this[,] it is important for those creating the electronics to look into other environmentally safe ways of making new technology." The writing shows only partial awareness of the task and mode.
Standard English Conventions - Score Point 2
The writing is brief and lacks complexity in sentence structure and vocabulary. Sentences tend to be awkward, and there are errors in usage and mechanics: "Large amounts of plastic floats all over the world's oceans, but especially in North Pacific subtropcial gyre." However, the errors do not interfere with the overall meaning, and the writing demonstrates mostly consistent control of conventions.
5 Points |
5 Points |
4 Points |
3 Points | 2 Points |
1 Point |
0 Points]