Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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2019 MCAS
Grade 4 English Language Arts
Question 8

Idea Development - Score Point 4

The essay is clear and fully develops the central idea that Jean-François was a "seeker of knowledge." It is effectively organized and includes transitions and the multiple ways in which Jean-François was a seeker of knowledge. Details, such as how Jean-François wanted to learn to read hieroglyphs and how he figured out that pictures represented words, are chosen to support the central idea. Each reason is supported with evidence from the article, and there is a clear explanation of how these reasons relate to being "a seeker of knowledge." The central idea is clearly expressed with effective organization and relevant details to demonstrate a full awareness of the purpose for writing.

Standard English Conventions - Score Point 3

The essay shows a consistent control of grammar, usage, and mechanics. While the paragraphs each follow a similar pattern, the structure of the sentences they contain are varied. Quotations are used and presented effectively. Given its length and complexity, the essay demonstrates consistent control of Standard English conventions for this grade level.
Answer for Idea Development Score Point 4, and Standard English Conventions Score Point 3
The essay is clear and fully develops the central idea that Jean-François was a "seeker of knowledge." It is effectively organized and includes transitions and the multiple ways in which Jean-François was a seeker of knowledge. Details, such as how Jean-François wanted to learn to read hieroglyphs and how he figured out that pictures represented words, are chosen to support the central idea. Each reason is supported with evidence from the article, and there is a clear explanation of how these reasons relate to being "a seeker of knowledge." The central idea is clearly expressed with effective organization and relevant details to demonstrate a full awareness of the purpose for writing.

[ 4 Points | 4 Points | 3 Points | 2 Points | 1 Point | 0 Points]

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education