Information Services - Statistical Reports
Plans of High School Graduates: Class of 2002
The percentage of graduates with plans reported as "data not available" increased from three |
percent in 2001 to nine percent in 2002 (Table 2). The increase in this category can most likely |
be contributed to changes in the data collection system. It is expected that the percentage of |
plans reported as "data not available" will decrease as districts become more familiar with the |
process of reporting student-level data through SIMS. For 2002, the increase in "data not |
available" may have caused all other categories to show slight decreases from past years. |
Racial/Ethnic Groups | |
Post-graduate plans also | |
varied according to | |
racial/ethnic group (Figure | |
5). In 2002 the percentage | |
of Asian graduates planning | |
to attend a two- or four-year | |
college (79 percent) was | |
higher than that of white | |
graduates (75 percent), | |
African-American graduates | |
percentage of graduates planning to attend public colleges ranged by race/ethnicity from 36 | |
percent (Hispanic) to 42 percent (White). The percentage of those planning to attend private | |
colleges ranged from 18 percent (Hispanic) to 39 percent (Asian). |
In each of the racial/ethnic groups reported, the percentage of graduates planning to attend | |
college has fluctuated over the past ten years (Figure 6). Between 1992 and 2002, the percentage | |
of African-American graduates planning to attend college increased from 61 to 64 percent, and | |
for white graduates the percentage increased from 69 to 75 percent. The percentage of Hispanic | |
graduates planning to attend college has remained relatively steady over the past ten years (54 | |
percent in both 1992 and 2002), while the percentage of Asian graduates has fluctuated (83 | |
percent in 1992, 84 percent in 1997, and 79 percent in 2002. For Native Americans, the | |
percentage decreased | |
from 66 to 60 percent | |
over the past ten | |
years. However, the | |
rate for Native | |
American students is | |
susceptible to wide | |
fluctuation due to a | |
low number enrolled | |
in Massachusetts | |