Information Services - Statistical Reports

Dropout Rates 1995 - 1996

Analysis of Dropout Rates

The 1996 annual dropout rate for Massachusetts public schools was 3.4 percent. A total of 8,177 ninth- to twelfth-graders dropped out of Massachusetts public schools during the 1995-96 annual reporting year and did not return to school by October 1, 1996. These students represented 3.4 percent of the 240,347 ninth- to twelfth-graders who were enrolled in the state's public schools in the Fall of 1995 (Table 1).

Table 1. Dropout Rates: 1996
 EnrollmentNumber of DropoutsAnnual RateProjected Four-Year Rate *Returns as % of Dropouts **
Total, Grade 9-12240,3478,1773.4%--20.3%
Grade 968,5271,8972.8%13%20.9%
Grade 1062,8122,3093.7%--19.9%
Grade 1157,0022,2513.9%--20.1%
Grade 1252,0061,7203.3%--20.4%
Race/Ethnic Group
African American19,7331,1645.9%22%15.2%
Native American515234.5%17%11.5%
Vocational-Technical Schools***30,4881,0433.4%13%19.6%
* percentage of ninth graders (Class of 1999) projected to drop out over four-year period
** percentage of 1995-96 school year dropouts who returned to school by October 1, 1996
*** figures do not include vocational-technical students enrolled in comprehensive high schools

In addition to these students, another 2,084 students dropped out of school during the 1995-96 reporting year but returned to school by October 1, 1996. These students, referred to in this report as returned dropouts, represented 20.3 percent of the total number of students who dropped out during the 1995-96 school year.

Based on the annual dropout rate, it is projected that 13 percent of the students who entered ninth grade in the 1995-96 reporting year may not graduate. This statistic, known as the projected four-year dropout rate, represents an estimation of the cumulative effect of four years of dropping out for the Class of 1999.

The 1996 annual dropout rate of 3.4 percent continued a decline from a rate of 3.6 percent in 1995 and 3.7 percent in 1994 (Table 2 and Figure 1). The projected four-year dropout rate of 13 percent for the class of 1999 decreased slightly from the prior year's rate of 14 percent for the Class of 1998 after showing no change from the rate for the Class of 1997 (Table 3 and Figure 2).

The 1996 statewide dropout rate masks the wide disparity in the rate that existed among individual schools and the severe dropout problem that persists in some schools. The distribution of the annual dropout rate ranged from a low of zero percent to a high of 39.0 percent.. Ten schools reported no dropouts in 1996, a decrease from 18 schools with no dropouts in 1995 (Table 4 and Figure 3). Another 62 schools reported dropouts rates of one percent or less in 1996. At the other end, 12 schools reported dropout rates in excess of 10 percent, down from 14 in 1995. These 12 schools, all urban and half of them in Boston, comprised 3.1 percent of the state's grade nine through twelve enrollment but accounted for 13.4 percent of the state's dropouts.

Table 2. Annual Dropout Rates: 1993-1996
Total Dropout Rate, Grade 9-123.5%3.7%3.6%3.4%
Total Number of Dropouts7,9758,5128,3968,177
Grade 9-12 Enrollment229,142232,046234,608240,347
Grade 93.2%2.9%3.1%2.8%
Grade 103.8%4.2%3.7%3.7%
Grade 114.0%4.4%4.5%3.9%
Grade 123.0%3.3%3.1%3.3%
Race/Ethnic Group
African American6.9%6.4%7.3%5.9%
Native American7.9%9.3%5.2%4.5%

Table 3. Projected Four-Year Dropout Rates: Classes of 1996-1999
Total 13% 14% 14% 13%
Race/Ethnic Group
African American25%23%26%22%
Native American30%33%19%17%

Table 4. Distribution of Annual Dropout Rates: 1995-1996
  Number of Schools*
Annual Rate (%)19951996
0.1 - 1.05162
1.1 - 2.510295
2.6 - 5.07583
5.1 - 7.53328
7.6 - 10.0712
10.1 and above1412
* excludes schools with enrollments less than 75

Results for Selected Student Populations

In any given year dropout rates vary widely among specific student populations (Tables 1 and 2). Because the dropout rate for certain groups of students is especially high, examining the dropout rate for specific populations is necessary in order to appropriately develop and target dropout prevention efforts. The dropout rate for selected populations of students is examined below.




Vocational-Technical Schools

Returned Dropouts

As mentioned above, 20.3 percent of the total number of students who dropped out during the 1995-96 reporting year returned to school by October 1, 1996. These students are referred to as returned dropouts.

The percentage of dropouts who returned to school varied widely by school (Figure 4). Of the 311 schools having any of the grades nine through twelve which had dropouts during the 1995-96 reporting year, 122 schools (39.2%) had up to 20 percent of their dropouts return to school by October 1, 1996. Another 88 schools (28.3%) had between 20 and 40 percent returned dropouts. Sixteen schools had between 40 and 60 percent of their dropouts return, and six schools had between 60 and 80 percent returned dropouts. Two schools had between 80 and 100 percent of their dropouts return, and eight schools had all of their dropouts return. Sixty-nine schools (22.2%) had none of their dropouts return to school.

The distribution of returned dropouts also varied among specific populations of students (Table 1). The following figures reveal that certain students are more likely to return to school than others:

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