Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : High School
Discipline - Technology/Engineering
Core Idea - Technological Systems
[HS.ETS.3.6] - Use informational text to illustrate how a vehicle or device can be modified to produce a change in lift, drag, friction, thrust, and weight.
Clarification Statements: Examples of vehicles can include cars, boats, airplanes, and rockets. Considerations of lift require consideration of Bernoulli’s principle.
[RCA-ST.9-10.1] -
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
[WCA.9-10.9] -
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, interpretation, reflection, and research. (See grades 9-10 Reading Standard 1 for more on the use of textual evidence.)