Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 7
Discipline - Technology/Engineering
Core Idea - Technological Systems
[7.ETS.3.1] - Explain the function of a communication system and the role of its components, including a source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, and storage.
[7.ETS.3.2] -
Compare the benefits and drawbacks of different communication systems.Clarification Statements: Examples of communications systems can include radio, television, print, and Internet. Examples of benefits and drawbacks can include speed of communication, distance or range, number of people reached, audio only vs. audio and visual, and one-way vs. two-way communication.
[7.ETS.3.3] -
Research and communicate information about how transportation systems are designed to move people and goods using a variety of vehicles and devices. Identify and describe subsystems of a transportation vehicle, including structural, propulsion, guidance, suspension, and control subsystems. Clarification Statements: Examples of design elements include vehicle shape to maximize cargo or passenger capacity, terminals, travel lanes, and communications/controls. Examples of vehicles can include a car, sailboat, and small airplane.
[7.ETS.3.4] -
Show how the components of a structural system work together to serve a structural function. Provide examples of physical structures and relate their design to their intended use. Clarification Statements: Examples of components of a structural system could include foundation, decking, wall, and roofing. Explanations of function should include identification of live vs. dead loads and forces of tension, torsion, compression, and shear. Examples of uses include carrying loads and forces across a span (such as a bridge), providing livable space (such as a house or office building), and providing specific environmental conditions (such as a greenhouse or cold storage). State Assessment Boundary: Calculations of magnitude or direction of loads or forces are not expected in state assessment.