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Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 7
Discipline - Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea - Earth's Systems
[7.ESS.2.2] - Construct an explanation based on evidence for how Earth’s surface has changed over scales that range from local to global in size.
Clarification Statements: Examples of processes occurring over large, global spatial scales include plate motion, formation of mountains and ocean basins, and ice ages. Examples of changes occurring over small, local spatial scales include earthquakes and seasonal weathering and erosion.
[W.7.9] -
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support written analysis, interpretation, reflection, and research, applying one or more grade 7 standards for Reading Literature or Reading Informational Text as needed.
[6.SP.B.5] -
Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by.
[4.ESS.2.1] -
Make observations and collect data to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering and moved around through erosion. Clarification Statements: Mechanical weathering processes can include frost wedging, abrasion, and tree root wedging. Erosion can include movement by blowing wind, flowing water, and moving ice. State Assessment Boundary: Chemical processes are not expected in state assessment.
[4.ESS.2.2] -
Analyze and interpret maps of Earth’s mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, and earthquake epicenters to describe patterns of these features and their locations relative to boundaries between continents and oceans.
[6.ESS.1.4] -
Analyze and interpret rock layers and index fossils to determine the relative ages of rock formations that result from processes occurring over long periods of time. Clarification Statements: Analysis includes laws of superposition and crosscutting relationships limited to minor displacement faults that offset layers. Processes that occur over long periods of time include changes in rock types through weathering, erosion, heat, and pressure. State Assessment Boundary: Strata sequences that have been reordered or overturned, names of specific periods or epochs and events within them, or the identification and naming of minerals or rock types are not expected in state assessment.
[8.ESS.2.1] -
Use a model to illustrate that energy from Earth’s interior drives convection that cycles Earth’s crust, leading to melting, crystallization, weathering, and deformation of large rock formations, including generation of ocean sea floor at ridges, submergence of ocean sea floor at trenches, mountain building, and active volcanic chains. Clarification Statement: The emphasis is on large-scale cycling resulting from plate tectonics.