Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 5
Discipline - Technology/Engineering
Core Idea - Technological Systems
[5.ETS.3.2] - Use sketches or drawings to show how each part of a product or device relates to other parts in the product or device.*
[SL.5.5] -
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
[5.ESS.3.1] -
Obtain and combine information about ways communities reduce human impact on the Earth’s resources and environment by changing an agricultural, industrial, or community practice or process. Clarification Statement: Examples of changed practices or processes include treating sewage, reducing the amounts of materials used, capturing polluting emissions from factories or power plants, and preventing runoff from agricultural activities. State Assessment Boundary: Climate change or social science aspects of practices such as regulation or policy are not expected in state assessment.